Media Alex Pereira Giving Back to His Hometown

This is not enough if he's ducking Ankalaev. F$*k these active champs that fight anywhere, anytime.
This is the least he could do after giving life lasting brain damage to dozens of fighters accross multiple sports.

What he did to Hill was messed up. That poor brother is fucked up even today, turned the clown into a whole circus, basically.
Ahh go suck a lemon

Ankalaev admitted he declined the fight.
Pretty sure he's joking dude lol..
Wholesome shit.

Guy receives box for his family

"Thank you, knock them dead!"
They are building up his image. But yes sure. He could be one of the fighters with the highest pay by now. And this is for Roundtree fight.
Good deeds deserve promotion and respect. UFC should donate the same amount to make it double when a fighter does this.