Their entire argument is complete bullshit when you line up everything that they claim.
If MSM is a dinosaur that no one watches anymore, then what are they bitching about? Most people on here post videos from Twitter/social media and independent content creators, NOT MSM.
Here's the Youtube subscription numbers of some of the most popular right and left Youtube channels.
Right Wing
Tim Pool 1.37 Million
Ben Shapiro 7.06 Million
Candace Owens 2.42 Million
Steven Crowder 5.75 Million
Dave Rubin 2.48 Million
Matt Walsh 2.99 Million
Tucker Carlson 3.1 Million
Megan Kelly 2.46 Million
Michael Knowles 2.07 Million
Left Wing
The Young Turks 6.06 Million
David Pakman 2.53 Million
The Majority Report 1.57 Million
Destiny 816K
Pod Save America 690K
Brian Tayler Cohen 3.24 Million
Kyle Kulinski 1.31 Million
Briahna Joy Gray 138K
Hasan Piker 1.41 Million
Breaking Points - 1.34 Million
The Hill - 2 Million
Joe Rogan - 17.3 Million
Jimmy Dore - 1.42 Million
Kim Iverson - 563K
Listening to conservatives talk, you would think they were in Guantanamo bay, getting their message out via letters in bottles that float to the shores of Florida where they are picked up by right wing freedom fighters and read from secret underground bunkers. Biggest bunch of crybabies on the planet.