The media can choose what they cover, but by and large the same Big 3: ABC, NBC, CBS, and also virtually all newspapers choose to cover the same stories in the same order and it's been that way for at least a decade. They could easily have covered a myriad of positive issues / stories that are positive to Trump and negative to Hillary, Biden, Harris over the 3 campaigns. It's been this way from the time he walked down the stairs. The good press for Trump is never delivered, while the bad press for the Democrats is also never delivered. For some of you to claim that is normal or not by design makes you a dupe. They could have covered the success of Trump's border policy, or vaccine creation, or jobless numbers, or First Step Act, or de-escalation of wars, or energy independence when it was happening, or a myriad of other topics in the past... they didn't. But, you find a meaningless story about cats and dogs that will effect no one and they can't get over it, because it delivers the results they are looking for... and that is the point. The broadcast news media has a specific agenda and they have for decades. Democrats / Globalists good... opposition bad. It would be interesting to know how American voters would vote if we didn't have a propaganda are as our "Free Press" for the Left.