*After his mental issues, how is Tony Ferguson stable now? Is he taking any medication?*

Haha, well to be fair Jesus was indeed a real dude so believing in him isn't all that crazy, God and the story of Jesus on the other hand......

It's funny, take a religious script and replace the word "God" every time it appears with "Aliens" instead then read it aloud to a large group.

Everyone will think you're insane but the former is apparently not only perfectly sane but for the most part actually encouraged, it's fuckin crazy to me, lol.
The fact that Jesus was a real guy is just more propaganda from the church..
He was sent an early shipment of Super Diaz Weed to calm him down.
Before I answer this question, I just have one of my own, where’s your kid at?
That's what I'm most curious about going into this fight. If Tony is on neuroleptics (first-line treatment of bi-polar and schizophrenic disorders), I wonder how the dopamine antagonism affects his training and ultimately fighting?
That's what I'm most curious about going into this fight. If Tony is on neuroleptics (first-line treatment of bi-polar and schizophrenic disorders), I wonder how the dopamine antagonism affects his training and ultimately fighting?

Anyone I have met through my work at the hospital or in my personal life experiences will constantly struggle with reactions to most of those medications. The science of the brain & biochemistry is not accurate, but suggestive. Some stuff can help stop frequent episodes, but requires another drug to counter-act the side effects. Not knowing exactly what Tony is on, we can venture a guess based on the state he lives in (or where his doctor practices). Likely, Tony had atleast a 3day stay in the mental ward, which is standard for suicide attempts & mental breakdowns. When people go into med cycles this extreme (bipolar leading to schizophrenia) they will be on a LOT of medication, easily over 5 types.

Frankly, bet on Cowboy UNLESS Tony starts showing symptoms he is off his meds (VERY LIKELY).
Even on those meds, it is a horrible experience. The stomach issues, the sleep issues, energy issues, the shakes, the inconsistency, the memory lapse, honestly...
if Tony was successful before I am betting he was not medication.
Who gives a fuck? I just want to see him fight, whatever issues he allegedly have are his to deal with.
Anyone I have met through my work at the hospital or in my personal life experiences will constantly struggle with reactions to most of those medications. The science of the brain & biochemistry is not accurate, but suggestive. Some stuff can help stop frequent episodes, but requires another drug to counter-act the side effects. Not knowing exactly with Tony is on, we can venture a guess based on the state he lives in (or where his doctor practices). Likely, Tony had atleast a 3day stay in the mental ward, which is standard for suicide attempts & mental breakdowns. When people go into med cycles this extreme (bipolar leading to schizophrenia) they will be on a LOT of medication, easily over 5 types.

Frankly, bet on Cowboy UNLESS Tony starts showing symptoms he is off his meds (VERY LIKELY).
Even on those meds, it is a horrible experience. The stomach issues, the sleep issues, energy issues, the shakes, the inconsistency, the memory lapse, honestly...
if Tony was successful before I am betting he was not medication.

Ah yes, almost forgot about the classic neuroleptic + mood-stabilizer combo. I think the impact on his muscle movement could be the biggest issue, not to mention if his medication is indicated for weight-gain.
since I’m dealing with the same types of issues I can say he’s likely on meds, as a Tony fan this worries me. Psychotropic medications fuck with the brains chemistry, dull certain aspects of a persons personality. I don’t have a good feeling for him going into this fight...but what do I know.
That's what I'm most curious about going into this fight. If Tony is on neuroleptics (first-line treatment of bi-polar and schizophrenic disorders), I wonder how the dopamine antagonism affects his training and ultimately fighting?

schizophrenic? Do you think there are some indications of schizophrenia?
Ah yes, almost forgot about the classic neuroleptic + mood-stabilizer combo. I think the impact on his muscle movement could be the biggest issue, not to mention if his medication is indicated for weight-gain.

Exactly, Tony likely will come off his meds in the weeks or even days leading up to the fight.
They will likely change his treatment since the original episode/arrest.
On top of that, he might smoke weed casually or even once, which will spiral out ANY drug you take but is a serious trigger for diagnosed people. It is so hard to convince them it is weed, because they are already reacting severely to a few different stabilizers. Some are so harsh on the stomach they require to be taken with food, and still cause stomach issues. Therefore a smoker will smoke to help them eat or settle their stomach, and those who don't smoke tend to avoid taking stuff makes them physically ill or uncomfortable when "it's supposed to help make them feel better". I hear these exact words almost daily, but a patient can easily be dismissed because "they are not a doctor" or "they are in treatment" so it is assumed their opinion is void, or skewed. A patient will then find their own path, which with a bi-polar & schizophrenia, is nearly impossible to personally regulate a consistency without someone helping & watching over that person.
Tony has a wife, so he is in luck, but judging by the situation that spark this ... his wife isn't trained to handle him at all, nor is his father.
They care about him, but who is watching him when he is at the gym, when he is trusted to be alone, etc...

Tony's turn around, is highly suspect. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has a quick turn around on those medications. It is on-going, with bad days, missed meds by accident, personal decisions (based on a fluctuating mental state, as well as a reactive emotional state with almost zero control or logic) and other factors we never realize day-to-day... such as paying your bills, or having responsibilities.

Mauro has a great documentary simply about bi-polar, which gives an idea of how bad it gets.
Imagine adding Tony's bigger issues on top.
This has a 90% chance of Tony pulling out.
Therefore, I bet money on that happening already.

If the fight happens, great, I am stoked for the division to move forward.
I would rather see a man successful in good health, than win some money.
Yet, I still made the bet.
schizophrenic? Do you think there are some indications of schizophrenia?

The sunglasses inside was the first sign.
The strange remarks was another.
Then the police incident. Computer chip in his leg (common), throwing holy water on his wife (demons are common reactions to auditory hallucinations) and the rest has been noted that he was getting help.
The sunglasses inside was the first sign.
The strange remarks was another.
Then the police incident. Computer chip in his leg (common), throwing holy water on his wife (demons are common reactions to auditory hallucinations) and the rest has been noted that he was getting help.

I remember that. My question is "does that qualify as symptomatic of schizophrenic behavior?" I'm not trolling, I really am curious. Sounds like some indication he demonstrated some disconnect with reality, which seems to indicate dissociative disorder (new label for schiz).
I remember that. My question is "does that qualify as symptomatic of schizophrenic behavior?" I'm not trolling, I really am curious. Sounds like some indication he demonstrated some disconnect with reality, which seems to indicate dissociative disorder (new label for schiz).

I didn't think you were trolling. I completely understand the inquiry (i deal with this a lot at work from family members of patients). Those signs are very specific once you encounter it.

Auditory hallucinations are tough for people to understand, yet there seems to be a consistency with certain things that happen. Paranoia that someone is trying to get into the house, they can hear them (usually demons coming in windows, fireplaces, etc) generally trying to get in. Similarly with the computer chip in the leg (someone is inside me, someone is listening, the voices are not mine). A standard paranoia is normal from most people, but to assume a computer chip has been put into his leg by his boss, or tossing "holy water" on his wife because she is talking to him, are more consistent with schizophrenia.

I have worked in a doctors office over a decade, and work more recently in a hospital.
Had friends with every problem you can imagine, and see random patients regularly crossing my path.
The education on the topic isn't easy for everyone to read about online.
So I don't mind your inquisition on the topic.
WebMD would make a stressed person think they are dying.

In fact, I am the one usually trolling on here because the discussions are so ridiculous.
This topic, is very real and I don't wish it on any family (or individual).
It is like cancer, or dementia, it is truly heartbreaking.
I didn't think you were trolling. I completely understand the inquiry (i deal with this a lot at work from family members of patients). Those signs are very specific once you encounter it.

Auditory hallucinations are tough for people to understand, yet there seems to be a consistency with certain things that happen. Paranoia that someone is trying to get into the house, they can hear them (usually demons coming in windows, fireplaces, etc) generally trying to get in. Similarly with the computer chip in the leg (someone is inside me, someone is listening, the voices are not mine). A standard paranoia is normal from most people, but to assume a computer chip has been put into his leg by his boss, or tossing "holy water" on his wife because she is talking to him, are more consistent with schizophrenia.

I have worked in a doctors office over a decade, and work more recently in a hospital.
Had friends with every problem you can imagine, and see random patients regularly crossing my path.
The education on the topic isn't easy for everyone to read about online.
So I don't mind your inquisition on the topic.
WebMD would make a stressed person think they are dying.

In fact, I am the one usually trolling on here because the discussions are so ridiculous.
This topic, is very real and I don't wish it on any family (or individual).
It is like cancer, or dementia, it is truly heartbreaking.

Thanks. What is your opinion on someone with these behaviors fighting in an octagon as long as the medication prescribed seems to be controlling that behavior? Do you think he was on medication before the incident and it quit working?
Retarded threads like this make me laugh. Conor himself is mentally unstable. Fighters that have been knocked out and clearly have CTE are unstable and shaky.

But you wanna make a thread about Tony. That is hilarious. You can make this thread about most fighters in MMA. What are you waiting for?
Thanks. What is your opinion on someone with these behaviors fighting in an octagon as long as the medication prescribed seems to be controlling that behavior? Do you think he was on medication before the incident and it quit working?

I think he was never on medication, and did very well until recently.
This is a guess. A guess only for the sake of sherdog, not from experience.

Moving forward, I think it is almost impossible to fight on those meds until you are in a NEW routine, with the same medications (that are working, this is a whole side topic i will address in a moment), and have found a "consistency". Rather, a positive consistency.

Usually what happens, medications take a few weeks to "mellow out" because your body goes mental creating chemicals to break down food, pills, etc... then there is emotions, which have biochemistry happening from sleep, stimulus etc... and ofcourse there is a regulation in the body constantly happening.
Should you change that biochemistry (say, have a coffee) immediately your body reacts in shock.
This is why you shit after coffee. Your organs react, and function by chemistry.

Now, let's say you give someone an anti-psychotic.
First off, you will spiral into a strange couple days, usually it is being extremely tired or extremely jacked. The reason for being tried can vary from mental fatigue (of chemistry going wild & stress of the situation of a new "feeling") to actual changes in bloodflow which require you to rest. I will skip the jacked part, but assume it means the pills make you react opposite temporarily.
Eventually your body adapts to cycles.
This is the part about SAME MEDICATIONS. Most times, they change your meds every few weeks, because at first... it is impossible to tell if they are working. This applies to almost anything, even exercise. Biochemistry works slowly, mostly in reaction to other chemistry. Think why we use radiation to kill cancer, but radiation can kill you. The correct amount (dose) of something should have a reaction and we watch & wait to see it take affect. So, give someone a toke of a joint who NEVER smokes, or a person a new medication that is design to be STRONG, they will have a rough couple days even after it would "wear off" on most people quickly if they consistently use it.

Back to Tony... if he is placed on anti-psychotics & mood stabilizers for bi-polar, we are getting into a dangerous combination for a human to regulate internally. Some of these meds are banned certain places because they cause addiction. The side effects are extreme as well, shakes, appetite changes, irregular sleep, lack of energy, so they give you MORE meds to balance out THOSE issues.

To try and go to work on those meds, is beyond tough. It is life changing.
Now, imagine that each human has a slightly different biochemistry.
I LOVE chocolate milk, some people cannot have a lick of ice cream or a sip of milk.
Their body will shit, or even vomit, they will get headaches, have to lay down. From milk.
Imagine a pharmaceutical designed to mess up your chemistry (in the hopes to balance it).

To give yourself a personal idea of it ...
eat until you are bloated, then sprint till you feel sick, then stop in your tracks and chug something gross (buckleys in milk, hard alcohol, whatever triggers you).
How you feel minutes later, is pretty much what Tony is going to be dealing with.

Tony will either stop taking his meds (unless he is truly being fullly supervised 24/7) and this will be his decision to get his energy back, or he will pull out.

If shows up, and everything appears fine, his performance should be reduced around Round 2.
Then again, he has the help of the UFC to get him on track. It is literally a 50/50 as to what happens next.
Exactly, Tony likely will come off his meds in the weeks or even days leading up to the fight.
They will likely change his treatment since the original episode/arrest.
On top of that, he might smoke weed casually or even once, which will spiral out ANY drug you take but is a serious trigger for diagnosed people. It is so hard to convince them it is weed, because they are already reacting severely to a few different stabilizers. Some are so harsh on the stomach they require to be taken with food, and still cause stomach issues. Therefore a smoker will smoke to help them eat or settle their stomach, and those who don't smoke tend to avoid taking stuff makes them physically ill or uncomfortable when "it's supposed to help make them feel better". I hear these exact words almost daily, but a patient can easily be dismissed because "they are not a doctor" or "they are in treatment" so it is assumed their opinion is void, or skewed. A patient will then find their own path, which with a bi-polar & schizophrenia, is nearly impossible to personally regulate a consistency without someone helping & watching over that person.
Tony has a wife, so he is in luck, but judging by the situation that spark this ... his wife isn't trained to handle him at all, nor is his father.
They care about him, but who is watching him when he is at the gym, when he is trusted to be alone, etc...

Tony's turn around, is highly suspect. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has a quick turn around on those medications. It is on-going, with bad days, missed meds by accident, personal decisions (based on a fluctuating mental state, as well as a reactive emotional state with almost zero control or logic) and other factors we never realize day-to-day... such as paying your bills, or having responsibilities.

Mauro has a great documentary simply about bi-polar, which gives an idea of how bad it gets.
Imagine adding Tony's bigger issues on top.
This has a 90% chance of Tony pulling out.
Therefore, I bet money on that happening already.

If the fight happens, great, I am stoked for the division to move forward.
I would rather see a man successful in good health, than win some money.
Yet, I still made the bet.

Continue with your narrative as if you know all the facts if you wish, including your own diagnosis of his condition.

Truth is, after multiple calls to police from his spouse; Tony was arrested or taken into custody for his own safety exactly zero times. In fact, after her last call where she claimed Tony kidnapped his own child, The police left Tony in his home WITH the child until the emergency hearing.

3 domestic disturbance complaints to the police from his wife. Zero times was he removed from his home. You may believe every thing his wife said as if it were gospel, apparently the involved authorities did not.

She accused him of stealing his own child when there was no custody order in place. She clearly thought in her mind Tony didn't have any parental rights to his own child. IMO, that is just as crazy as anything she "claimed" Tony did.

Not uncommon for unsubstantiated claims to be made during a domestic separation, especially when a child is involved.

Anyway, carry on with your crystal ball diagnosis if you wish.
The only one who is going to take a pill is Cerrone and it will be a red one.
Continue with your narrative as if you know all the facts if you wish, including your own diagnosis of his condition.

Anyway, carry on with your crystal ball diagnosis if you wish.

His own father called the police and gave a statement.


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