Social Abraham Lincoln R* the 1st homosexual President of America ...?

Quote the letters, from the documentary you haven't watched.

There's no need to quote the letters. I trust the respected historians that've already read them. Particularly his love letters to Joshua Speed. You do realize that Abe was having an extramarital affair with a man. Right? He was cheating on his wife when she would go away and this was while he was president. Yet you continue to stubbornly argue that he preferred women? Haha!

There's no need to quote the letters. I trust the respected historians that've already read them.

And that's why you're a fool.

You believe a few curated historians getting paid to be in a documentary, over the consensus of historians.

There's far more evidence that Lincoln was heterosexual, rather than the scant circumstantial evidence viewed from a modern homosexual perspective.

Did you believe 'the science' during the pandemic? How many boosters did you get?

Do you believe the politicians who say ID vote requirements are racist?

Would you say you're most interested in truth, or the promotion of a false idealogy being promoted as truth?

Just trying to gauge if you actually are as stupid as you portray yourself to be in this thread, or if you're just a zealot of an idealogy.
And that's why you're a fool.

You believe a few curated historians getting paid to be in a documentary, over the consensus of historians.

There's far more evidence that Lincoln was heterosexual, rather than the scant circumstantial evidence viewed from a modern homosexual perspective.

Did you believe 'the science' during the pandemic? How many boosters did you get?

Do you believe the politicians who say ID vote requirements are racist?

Would you say you're most interested in truth, or the promotion of a false idealogy being promoted as truth?

Just trying to gauge if you actually are as stupid as you portray yourself to be in this thread, or if you're just a zealot of an idealogy.
No. Books have already been published about Abe's sexuality and the letters are quoted in them. Like in Tripp's book "The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln". Historians and scholars in higher education have also gone through them. We're talking dozens. This documentary features over a dozen itself. The circumstantial evidence isn't "scant" it's overwhelming. Combined with the direct evidence of Abe sleeping with numerous men, when he had no other reason to do it, cannot just be conveniently dismissed.

Once again he was known to cheat on his own wife with other men. He slept with one of them for 4 years. But you don't think they did anything sexual? Of course they did. You'd have to be extremely naive to believe otherwise. You should probably read this. Get caught up.
Is the whole evidence that he shared a bed with the guy and was sad when his good friend left? People shared beds back then often out of being poor (Lincoln grew up in abject poverty and had to work most of his childhood) and I would also be saddened if a good friend for years was leaving my life.
Another point to add is that we have contemporary examples of people living in ultra conservative societies and they do things like hold hands with other men because they live in societies that don’t have public displays of affection. It’s gay to us because you’re supposed to only do that with your women, but they don’t have that concept.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if 19th century America had men sleeping in the same bed as other men, because the thought of homosexuality would never cross their mind.

I sincerely doubt that you could rise to the height of 19th century American politics without it becoming a scandal.
And that's why you're a fool.

You believe a few curated historians getting paid to be in a documentary, over the consensus of historians.

There's far more evidence that Lincoln was heterosexual, rather than the scant circumstantial evidence viewed from a modern homosexual perspective.

Did you believe 'the science' during the pandemic? How many boosters did you get?

Do you believe the politicians who say ID vote requirements are racist?

Would you say you're most interested in truth, or the promotion of a false idealogy being promoted as truth?

Just trying to gauge if you actually are as stupid as you portray yourself to be in this thread, or if you're just a zealot of an idealogy.
Can you please get other conspiracy theory struggle post out of here.

All it does is show your views are just going to align with your home team no matter what.

The more you post the more you expose yourself.

No. Books have already been published about Abe's sexuality and the letters are quoted in them. Like in Tripp's book "The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln". Historians and scholars in higher education have also gone through them. We're talking dozens. This documentary features over a dozen itself. The circumstantial evidence isn't "scant" it's overwhelming. Combined with the direct evidence of Abe sleeping with numerous men, when he had no other reason to do it, cannot just be conveniently dismissed.

Once again he was known to cheat on his own wife with other men. He slept with one of them for 4 years. But you don't think they did anything sexual? Of course they did. You'd have to be extremely naive to believe otherwise. You should probably read this. Get caught up.
I agree that the naive posters are the ones who are the posters who keep using the excuse of it being normal and common for grown single men who can afford their own beds to consistently spoon with eachother. They seem like the kind of guys that got tricked into doing some stuff by an in closet friend or mentor. Not a dig.

- Its not cold
-They didn't only have one bed or cot
-Beds were even smaller back then
-DC is super hot in the summer. There were no fans or AC back then. Unless you enjoy the intimate touch of another man you aren't bedding with one in that scenario.
-It was a time were butt stuff and being gay was extremely illegal. To me that totally contradicts
Men holding hands and platonicly spooning. That doesn't add up.
-Writing about a dude's thighs that you regularly sleep in the bed with is not platonic

What people are also leaving out is these are the same exact excuses closeted homosexual & bisexual men would have used back then to pretend they weren't into dudes.
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Can you please get other conspiracy theory struggle post out of here.

All it does is show your views are just going to align with your home team no matter what.

The more you post the more you expose yourself.

I agree that the naive posters are the ones who are the posters who keep using the excuse of it being normal and common for grown single men who can afford their own beds to consistently spoon with eachother. They seem like the kind of guys that got tricked into doing some stuff by an in closet friend or mentor. Not a dig.

- Its not cold
-They didn't only have one bed or cot
-Beds were even smaller back then
-DC is super hot in the summer. There were no fans or AC back then. Unless you enjoy the intimate touch of another bed you aren't bedding with one in that scenario.
-It was a time were butt stuff and being gay was extremely illegal. To me that totally contradicts
Men holding hands and platonicly spooning. That doesn't add up.
-Writing about a dude's thighs that you regularly sleep in the bed with is not platonic

What people are also leaving out is these are the same exact excuses closeted homosexual & bisexual men would have used back then to pretend they weren't into dudes.
Exactly. If Abe was poor back then, or it was extremely cold outside, then fair enough. But neither apply here. He was president when he slept with his bodyguard Derickson. Presidents aren't poor, poor men can't afford to hire bodyguards in the first place, and this was at their summer house. These weren't winter months. Yeah, writing about his thighs was telling. He'd know firsthand what they looked like because his face was between them.😂
Evidence Lincoln was heterosexual - 4 biological children.

Evidence Joshua Speed was heterosexual - 10 biological children.

No matter how they manipulate quotes from letters to insinuate they were gay, it doesn't eclipse the evidence that they were heterosexual.
Evidence Ted Haggard is heterosexual. -5 biological children
Evidence Tad Haggard is not heterosexual. -Reoccurring sexual encounters with a male prostitute. multiple inappropriate touchings of young male members of his congregation.

Gay men having children is not unusual -far from it. Its quite common with gay men still in the closet, using cover girlfriends/wives to conceal their real sexuality. They can just close their eyes and fantasize about doing someone else to get it up for their wives.
And that is even without getting into the bisexual alternative.
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- Ws thinking today how that is unfair to Abe. A person can go to a beach every-day for years, and will not be considered a fish.
Now Abe sleeps with a guy, only for 1460 days or just four years, and is considered gay!
No. Books have already been published about Abe's sexuality and the letters are quoted in them. Like in Tripp's book "The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln". Historians and scholars in higher education have also gone through them. We're talking dozens.

'Dozens' huh?

Then why does Amazon only mention Tripp in the book's description?
The circumstantial evidence isn't "scant" it's overwhelming. Combined with the direct evidence of Abe sleeping with numerous men, when he had no other reason to do it, cannot just be conveniently dismissed.

Yes it can be.
He preferred the company and companionship with men. That's not disputed or uncommon for the time.
What is disputed the context of 'sleeping with.'
In modern times that term is a clearly mean to outright say there's a sexual relationship, but there's no evidence that at any point Lincoln had sex with anyone he 'slept in the bed' with.

You have a very interesting view of the word 'overwhelming.'

Once again he was known to cheat on his own wife with other men. He slept with one of them for 4 years. But you don't think they did anything sexual? Of course they did. You'd have to be extremely naive to believe otherwise. You should probably read this. Get caught up.

Vanity Fair.

"Leftists want you to believe Lincoln was bisexual, so you should believe Lincoln was bisexual."
Can you please get other conspiracy theory struggle post out of here.

"Mainstream historians generally hold that Lincoln was heterosexual,[2][3] noting that the historical context explains any of the supposed evidence,[4] that he had romantic ties with women, and that he had four children in an enduring marriage to a woman.[5]"

Your side contains all the conspiracy theorists on this subject, and a movie which collects a few fringe historians with arguments of the facts that are so weak they cannot convince the rest of the historians.
All it does is show your views are just going to align with your home team no matter what.

The more you post the more you expose yourself.

Pot kettle black.
"Mainstream historians generally hold that Lincoln was heterosexual,[2][3] noting that the historical context explains any of the supposed evidence,[4] that he had romantic ties with women, and that he had four children in an enduring marriage to a woman.[5]"

Your side contains all the conspiracy theorists on this subject, and a movie which collects a few fringe historians with arguments of the facts that are so weak they cannot convince the rest of the historians.

Pot kettle black.
Please stop telling me about the documentary I introduced to you that you did not watch.

Looks like here is breakdown of the documentary...
2 grown dudes spooning nuts to butt on a cot for 4 years.

he wrote to Lincoln to share the news, according to the doc. "Joshua Speed, in that moment, assured Lincoln, for his own wellness, that sex with women was manageable,"
Gay men having children is not unusual -far from it. Its quite common with gay men still in the closet, using cover girlfriends/wives to conceal their real sexuality. They can just close their eyes and fantasize about doing someone else to get it up for their wives.
And that is even without getting into the bisexual alternative.

Then the historians should investigate a President that's far more likely to be gay, as opposed to one that's been dead for a 1.5 centuries.


Please stop telling me about the documentary I introduced to you that you did not watch.

This shows your levels of delusion.
The documentary has been promoted for months, far proceeding this thread.
You haven't introduced it to anybody.
And you haven't even watched it.

And based on the reviews I posted earlier say 'it won't convince a skeptic' which is admitting its not convincing, as well as playing a gay anthem as the end credits begin to roll, its another example of propaganda posing as a documentary.
he wrote to Lincoln to share the news, according to the doc. "Joshua Speed, in that moment, assured Lincoln, for his own wellness, that sex with women was manageable,"

And Joshua Speed had 10 children.
And one of the reasons Lincoln had so many close male friends is obviously because of social anxiety amongst women.

Ever do any research into where Lincoln was born and grew up?

*A long cabin in Kentucky.
*Father was a farmer.
*Mother was very religious.
*Grew up on farms until he was 21.
*Older sister died while giving birth.
*Had 1 year of formal education during his childhood.

Given all that, its quite obvious Lincoln never learned as a child to socialize around women that weren't family.

And given his own sister died during childbirth, imagine the anxiety of having sex with a woman you love with the fear the result may kill her.

It speaks alot that he had a close relationship with a friend with children, that could council him to get over such fears.

And it says alot that modern activist historians are using that to claim that Lincoln was gay.
'Dozens' huh?

Then why does Amazon only mention Tripp in the book's description?

Yes it can be.
He preferred the company and companionship with men. That's not disputed or uncommon for the time.
What is disputed the context of 'sleeping with.'
In modern times that term is a clearly mean to outright say there's a sexual relationship, but there's no evidence that at any point Lincoln had sex with anyone he 'slept in the bed' with.

You have a very interesting view of the word 'overwhelming.'

Vanity Fair.

"Leftists want you to believe Lincoln was bisexual, so you should believe Lincoln was bisexual."
Tripp wrote that particular book. I've already mentioned other historians like Jean Baker. The documentary itself has over a dozen historians featured in it. You continue to play dumb. SMH.

The man slept with numerous men, one of them for nearly a half-decade. Get this through your thick skull. He undoubtedly engaged in sexual activity with them. Hence the love letters and cheating on his wife while she was away. It'd be highly improbable that he just slept next to them because he wanted to. Again, we already know that he didn't do it for warmth because it wasn't cold outside and we also know that he wasn't poor later on. So, what did he get out of it? Sex.