Movies Greatest Female Movie Villains


Psychologically abused her child then lost him to the foster care system.

Violently attacks hospital employees that are just doing their job.

Shoots an innocent man in front of his wife and child.

Kills the cyborg that's been protecting her child.

Gene Tierney in Leave Her to Heaven is the answer. Her man's little polio-suffering brother won't let them spend a week alone at their cabin, so she drowns his ass. You're not going to find a nastier femme fatale in the history of cinema. Honorable mention though to Linda Fiorentino in the underrated '90s gem The Last Seduction.

Just watched this episode last night.

Ever since I was a child I’ve had this song randomly pop into my head and I start singing it. Fukkin.
I have actually seen that episode... I just thought it was Mr Burns being characteristically evil, not a reference to anything else.

You learn something new every day I guess.
Precious's mom. I had no idea what that movie was about then I saw it on a plane. It was kinda sad.

Psychologically abused her child then lost him to the foster care system.

Violently attacks hospital employees that are just doing their job.

Shoots an innocent man in front of his wife and child.

Kills the cyborg that's been protecting her child.

Appreciate the effort, but nah, need to be better for a sarcastic/edgy take on her being a villian.

Anti-hero possibly...