What is money to a man who could buy gold the ton and it barely but a dent into his net worth?
He's set for life.
His children are set for life.
His grandchildren are set for life.
So what does a man with all that money do?
Build influence.
And influence is a power that cannot be measured in dollars.
In most cases nowandays journalism loses money, so why did Jeff Bezos buy The Washington Post? Why does CNN still function although its ratings are in the gutter?
Why is Mark Zuckerberg not only one of the richest men in the world, but also one of the most powerful?... because of Facebook & Instagram.
All examples of the rich using their wealth to buy influence, and despite the headlines of X's supposed value being lowered its a privately owned company, so what they say its worth is irrelevant unless Musk wants to sell it.
And I doubt he's going to sell it for less than what he paid for it.