Social 2024 PotWR semifinals.

Select your favorite candidate. You have one vote. The top two will move on to the final.

  • Total voters
Is it possible to reverse its flow by hitting it with a Jewish space laser?

I have the best people looking into it rest assured!

They might have the climate but we have LASERS in space, and quite possibly wearing YAMAKAS

I'll have this thing going in no time, the instructions are in Yiddish however
@Lead why the anger? I'm just being agreeable. I'm not suggesting it, just saying I'd be fine with it.

LOL we've got another round to go, donut.

If other throws his weight behind my campaign (assuming voting trends continue) or vice versa, you haven't got a chance as far as I can see.

No harm in wishful thinking though, I always say, so rock on.

It's quite obvious you're planning yet another COUP!

We won't stand for it people. We won't be using your Canadian calculator on these votes.. no no no, it will be an AMERICAN CALCULATOR, none of that common core math here
FOLKS! it appears my campaign is under attack yet AGAIN!

These radical climate activist have whipped up another tropical storm and sent it right into my power lines.

I would've preferred to NUKE the storm but here we are, with NO POWER, NO ENERGY

i can solve all of this with my trusty sharpie.

MGT/IDYB 2024!
Our campaign can't be stopped

Sharpie markers only, NO EXPO!! Tariffs on day one for expo markers

When we write things in this administration we MEAN it. No take backs

that's it. instead of trying to run against you to take chicken boots rob's spot, it's probably best that we combine forces and become an unstoppable force of reckoning.

Team MetalGearBeer for the win baby!
that's it. instead of trying to run against you to take chicken boots rob's spot, it's probably best that we combine forces and become an unstoppable force of reckoning.

Team MetalGearBeer for the win baby!

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear, they've come close! But not now! They've tried and FAILED! Yet AGAIN!

The combined forces of Metal Gear and Beer will usher in a new era of much needed prosperity upon the warroom
Guys my sincere recommendation is to find a way to talk to each other. To find a way to understand that we want the same things but merely have different ideas of how to go about doing it.

When people stop understanding each other, they stop talking to each other. And when they stop talking to each other they become enemies. You're not enemies.
Cool. As long as we're having this conversation, can I count on your vote?
Our campaign can't be stopped

Sharpie markers only, NO EXPO!! Tariffs on day one for expo markers

When we write things in this administration we MEAN it. No take backs
Do you mean you're excluding the whiteboards and will run a DEI administration? :eek:
I support @idrankyourbeer entering the race

Edit: I read that wrong, My brain is mush.

I support @MetalGearTrump entering the race.

WOW FOLKS! The endorsements are coming in so fast we can't keep up!

This may go down in Sherdog history as an RFK moment for @Other !

I fully accept this endorsement. It isn't right the way @Andy Capp (CRAPP) has stifled this man's campaign with baseless litigation and non stop attacks on his character!

Welcome to the team!
Funny, I go to every thread here on this forum and the first one I came up in this thread was Ozempic so take that for what you want in this thread's contenders. Apart from @Andy Capp )
Funny, I go to every thread here on this forum and the first one I came up in this thread was Ozempic so take that for what you want in this thread's contenders. Apart from @Andy Capp )

ozempic? i seen a commercial for that and i'm not sure what it's supposed to help me with but i wouldn't mind getting me some depression, thoughts of suicide, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, lumps and swelling in my neck and face, inflammation and problems with my pancreas and kidneys, a fucked up pregnancy, low blood sugar, changes in vision, gallbladder problems, thyroid tumors, and all that other good stuff that they advertise in their commercials.

i dont even know what they are trying to sell me with these pill commercials or what its supposed to be for because (i guess legally) they have to keep on listing off all these harmful side effects, and i'm like great, i'm not sure what this is supposed to be for but you're telling me that it's probably going to fuck my body sideways and maybe even kill me or make me want to be dead, so sign me up! yeah take some of these and you're going to have a whole laundry list of issues with your body that you ain't even heard of before! and make sure to check with your doctor and health care provider first, because after you take our shit and it puts you 2 feet from your grave, we sure as fuck ain't gonna be held liable!

i mean yeah, sure our shit might give you some psychotic episodes, turn your brain into mashed potatoes, destroy every organ in your body, and make you want to kill yourself if our drugs don't do it for you, but at least it might get rid of your headache. order today!

thats basically the impression i get off of virtually every pill and pharmaceutical drug commercial these days. when it takes 3 minutes just to read off all of these nasty side effects that you're probably going to have to deal with, that shit ain't worth taking, no matter how bad your headache is, or how much your asshole hurts after all of those tacos and tequila.

looking at it looks like ozempic is a poor mans insulin. they shouldn't even be allowed to sell that shit, and nobody should even have to consider it but the health care system in america is so fucked.
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WOW FOLKS! The endorsements are coming in so fast we can't keep up!

This may go down in Sherdog history as an RFK moment for @Other !

I fully accept this endorsement. It isn't right the way @Andy Capp (CRAPP) has stifled this man's campaign with baseless litigation and non stop attacks on his character!

Welcome to the team!
Hey, Turd Ferguson!

I said I support you entering the race, not that I endorse.

Perhaps I only support you entering so that I may watch you fall.

Or perhaps I support you entering to ensure Andy's demise.

My motives are unknown, even to me.
Hey, Turd Ferguson!

I said I support you entering the race, not that I endorse.

Perhaps I only support you entering so that I may watch you fall.

Or perhaps I support you entering to ensure Andy's demise.

My motives are unknown, even to me.

Half an endorsement is still an endorsement.
But no one likes a candidate with unclear motives!

I'll be careful with my words here... if your are working against our administration YOU WILL FACE FIRE AND FURY UNLIKE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN

@idrankyourbeer tell Other that we have a big red button but that ours actually WORKS!