20 Rep Squats


White Belt
Jan 29, 2008
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I am intrigued by the 20 rep squat program because of the simplicity and abundance of results, but I am curious about how it would fit into my goals. I am currently 168-170 lbs and about 12 ~ 14% body fat. my goal over the next few months is to maintain my bodyweight but cut my BF% to around 9%-10%. I have come up with the folowing monday -Friday schedule based around 20 rep squats...

Monday - a few warmup sets of squats then the 20 rep set starting @ 135
DB bench - 4x6
Hand Stand Pushups - 3x5
partial rollouts - 5x5

Tuesday - BW Conditioning/ Boxing

Wed - warmup and 20 rep squat
Chinups - 3 x 10
Romanian Deads - 4x6
Band High Pulls - 4x10
hanging leg raises - 3x8

Thursday - BW Conditioning/ Boxing

Friday - warmup and 20 rep squat
BW Dips - 3x10
saxon side bends - 3x8 (each side)
overhead lunges (light weight) - 3x6 (each leg)

in addition to that I jog/ walk with my dogs every morning. Anyway, if I don't up my calories like the squats and milk program suggests, do ya'll think I could get results from this type of workout?
You do realize your goal is essentially to lose fat while simultaneously gaining muscle, right? Most people have trouble with that.
I am intrigued by the 20 rep squat program because of the simplicity and abundance of results, but I am curious about how it would fit into my goals. I am currently 168-170 lbs and about 12 ~ 14% body fat. my goal over the next few months is to maintain my bodyweight but cut my BF% to around 9%-10%. I have come up with the folowing monday -Friday schedule based around 20 rep squats...

Monday - a few warmup sets of squats then the 20 rep set starting @ 135
DB bench - 4x6
Hand Stand Pushups - 3x5
partial rollouts - 5x5

Tuesday - BW Conditioning/ Boxing

Wed - warmup and 20 rep squat
Chinups - 3 x 10
Romanian Deads - 4x6
Band High Pulls - 4x10
hanging leg raises - 3x8

Thursday - BW Conditioning/ Boxing

Friday - warmup and 20 rep squat
BW Dips - 3x10
saxon side bends - 3x8 (each side)
overhead lunges (light weight) - 3x6 (each leg)

in addition to that I jog/ walk with my dogs every morning. Anyway, if I don't up my calories like the squats and milk program suggests, do ya'll think I could get results from this type of workout?

Not upping your calories is gonna make the program even harder. And, since I'm pretty sure it's pretty taxing already, it's gonna probably be really damn hard.

Why not just focus on gaining muscle on this program (like you're SUPPOSED to do) and then see where you're at.

By the way, aren't DB/barbell pullovers a staple of the program and are supposed to be implemented following squats?
I know that people have trouble with that, but I am not looking for immediate results and really all I am trying to do is replace 5 lbs of fat with 5 lbs of muscle. it seemed to me that doing a lot of squats would be the best way to do that. I know its not really the best way to do things but I want to see if I can.
I know that people have trouble with that, but I am not looking for immediate results and really all I am trying to do is replace 5 lbs of fat with 5 lbs of muscle. it seemed to me that doing a lot of squats would be the best way to do that. I know its not really the best way to do things but I want to see if I can.

You are going to fail. Eat. Eat your dogs if you have to.
I know that people have trouble with that, but I am not looking for immediate results and really all I am trying to do is replace 5 lbs of fat with 5 lbs of muscle. it seemed to me that doing a lot of squats would be the best way to do that. I know its not really the best way to do things but I want to see if I can.

Thing is...adding 5 pounds of muscle would make losing 5 pounds of fat easier. Hell, you might even "accidentally" lose 5 pounds of fat when you're TRYING to gain 5 pounds of muscle.

Have long have you been lifting?
I should also have said that I quit drinking beer which is about 3600 cals(I know I drank too much) / week that I am going to replace with food so my daily caloric intake will essentially be the same, just coming from better sources.
I have been lifting on and off for about 4 years, but I have been sans gym since february, its been boxing, sandbags, and burpees for the last few months. My consistancy has been weak as I have been partying with my band a little too much.
in case anyones wondering, I don't want to gain too much wait because I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe, otherwise I would probably just try to gain.
I feel for what you're trying to do, but I feel like trying to do this in a dieting situation, you'll quickly find youself going backwords in the reps performed. Also if you haven't squatted in ~4 months or so, I'd suggest starting out with some old fashioned 3x5 or the like before getting into a something as serious as the 20 rep squats.
I have still been squatting - usually overhead sand bag squats or weighted pistols, only a 100lbs sandbag so it has been more conditioning but I went to the gym on wed and hit my previous weight on a 5x5 no problem. I have considered not being able to perform the volume without upping the calories. my plan really is to just eat when I am hungry(which is often) like I normally do and see what happens. if I start to gain too much weight I will adjust, I don't know I have never been real good a structuring my workouts so any suggestions would be great.
I have a suggestion, try the squats and milk routine but do it TWO time per week, and keep the other stuff like jogging and boxing with it, if you can. A lot of people seem to under-estimate the toughnes of that particular routine. If you do it like it is written, really pushing it, it is truely puke-a-delic. And the initial soreness and trembless after the first work out are something extaordinary. Belive me, I tried it and after two work outs I pussied out and tought I'd do some heavy low rep stuff instead. I have never shacken so much than after a 20 rep squat with 10 breathes after the first 12 reps and still pushing it to 20 FOLLOWD by the pull overs which kinda seemd like a break at that time and then do the killer pullups, dips, weighted situps circuit all done with the principles of low rest period follod by sets to failure.
It is not easy, it is not fun but it is a hell of a workout that seems to get people thinking that its easy, before they try.

Give it a change, eat alot of protein ( 1.5g/lb of body weight) same amount of carbs and dont be afraid of the fats, add some olive oil to your morning oats, eat whole eggs, drink whole milk, butter your toasts. But stay away from candy, soda and deep fried stuff.

Try this for a month and then come back to us. All you have to lose is (insert here)... Now, go squat.
I think the twice a week might not be a bad way to go. I am going to try starting at my bodyweight (170) and go up 5 lbs per session.
Give it a shot, and 20 reps on squats with bodyweight on the bar isn't a bad start. But remember that its all in your head. If your not asking yourself why on earth are you still squating, it aint heavy enough.
Your routine looks like a bulking/strength routine, and you're trying to maintain weight?
1. There is no better caloric source than beer.
2. Men don't have wardrobes.
3. If gaining 10lbs of muscle would cause you to need new clothes, then you're currently dressing like a queer.
4. You ought to cook your dogs before you end up like this kid: Son, mother barred from owning dogs after bestiality complaint -- Beach Vacations, Palm Beach Gardens -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Lol imagine how embarrassed you would be if your mom found out you had sex with a dog... I guess he deserves it for doing it in the first place though.
Give it a shot, and 20 reps on squats with bodyweight on the bar isn't a bad start.

OK lets come down to earth for a sec.

20 squats with bodyweight on the bar "isnt a bad start" ??
What planet am I living on then, I wonder? Cos Im sure that over 99% of earth population can not do 20 bodyweight (on the bar) squats. Firstly cos their cardio wont hold and secondly cos of lack of strenght required

Im not saying that YOU cannot do it, there are strong people of course, but you put it like everybody can confortably start from this point (you dont want some teenager go for it and gets heart attack, right?). But if you started from that point what can you do today ? - 20 reps with double bodyweight ? Sure! Strongest people on the earth are on shedog.com (like I didnt know)