Crime “A pill was visible in George Floyd’s mouth”... Previously done the same in 2019 arrest


May 22, 2007
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Apparently he also swallowed drugs he had on him last year during a 2019 arrest and was hospitalized for it.



Imagine all the protesting, looting, rioting, violence, outrage, etc that spiraled out of control over this incident...

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Yeah I just posted this in the BLM riot megathread.

This could get ugly

This is MASSIVE news, it’s just now coming out... I can’t imagine the impact it’s going to have.

The fake news media that used this story to darn near instigate a civil war is going to have to double down on the race baiting.

Otherwise they have some explaining to do...

This is MASSIVE news, it’s just now coming out... I can’t imagine the impact it’s going to have.

The fake news media that used this story to darn near instigate a civil war is going to have to double down on the race baiting.

Otherwise they have some explaining to do...

Its too far gone now

The rabid folks will claim this is some kind of cover up and the masses will riot
Don't resist and there won't be any need.
This is who became BLM's saint martyr. Lmao you really can't make this up.

Saint George couldn't breav before even being on the floor. He said so himself!

So he was belly down, cuffed and couldn't breath before the cuffs........

I guess they should have put a second knee on his neck to stop the resisting.