News White to Aspinall: Defend Interim Title or Sit on the Shelf. You Don't Get Jones.

Captain Herb

Aug 8, 2013
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“No,” White answered when asked if Aspinall could fight Jon Jones. “And we’re not stripping Jon Jones either...(It) ain’t happening,” White said. “Stipe, you have to understand this, if you look at what Stipe’s accomplished in this sport, what he’s done, where he’s at in his career, he wants the Jon Jones fight“ [Miocic] wants Jones and Jones wants Stipe, so it makes sense.” If Aspinall wants to fight before that fight happens, why not? Why not let him defend it (the interim title)?”

How little will this fight matter? How much of a casual will you need to be to buy this fight? Are you even interested in this fight a year from now? It only hurts Jones' legacy to duck the Interim Champ to fight Stipe. It doesn't help him at all.
They are shooting themselves in the foot. Nobody besides Dana, Jones and Stipe cares about that fight.

It doesn't even make sense business wise. Who gives a fuck about their legacy when both are going to immediately retire and leave the company anyway?
It is clear Dana and the UFC see Jones vs. Stipe as the most profitable option and they will do whatever to make it happen. People in here saying nobody cares, but they’re names the casual audience recognizes and that’s who they’re targeting. Wish they would drop the sports entertainment approach but it’s not going to happen.
Guess Tom will sit out then until the UFC either makes the unification bout between Tom & Jones or the UFC strips the belt from Tom

The UFC's obsession with Jones vs Stipe is just another bag fumble for the HW division

No one cares about the fight except the UFC and Jones
UFC 302, June 8th in the UK, Aspinall vs Gane, England vs France.

(301 in Brazil, Pereira in the main event)
Good, I want Jones to get a legacy fight vs Miocic and both retire.

Aspinal can go ahead and defend the belt against the winner of Almeida vs Blaydes, if Blaydes wins Aspinal he have the opportunity to avenge his loss.
Aspinal should defend his fake belt just so when he finally fights for the actual belt we can hear Bruce

Absolutely, he should call Dana's bluff and defend it 2-3 times before Jon's old-timer's fight with Stipe. No-one won't think it's not actually the real belt. He'd make a fool out of Jon and Dana.
UFC gonna UFC. They rebooked Almeida vs blaydes instead of a true number one contenders battle of Gane vs Almeida. 100% they're pressuring Aspinall into the defense vs Gane now maybe Paris' first ppv in the summer.
I doubt Gane wanted that fight.
Stipexwant no part of a Young killer like Asounal and he shouldn't at his age n career stage. Bones has nothing to gain taking the fight only a lot to lose. Bones would be stupid taking it (though I think he wins even now). Stipe is the most successful UFC HW champion n the UFC HW goat. He's a name and a great final fight win n likely a fairly easy fight .