Locked PWD 1164: Choke Artist

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Seeing Corbin slapping hands is weird af.
Face Corbin is weird, and also the way wolf dogs is just like a non thing kinda says Corbin is gonna be like an Xavier woods level jobber still. Who knows, maybe him and Bron will have another run, but until then I expect the “rejuvenation” not to last long. But I hope the damage of the Vince era can be resolved some
Corbin chaining a DVD into a brainbuster......thought NXT was suppose to not mak3 you work indie.
Is dressing Ewwdrop like the opera singer a rib?
Is Jade Cargill better than Ronda Rousey already?
This better be a squash because it could get real ugly if it goes more than maybe 5 minutes.
Ewwdrop better not sandbag Jade when she picks her up and slams infront of 7988000 Cargilionaires brother.
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