Obama sends out the most popular Tweet in history

Threads like this really show how the left and right are converging on the issue of manufactured outrage. This could be what unites the parties.
The fact that you consider a quote from Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom" to be "cringy populism" is telling, especially given the content of this quote.
Mandela is a terrible and hatefilled person...
This just became the most "liked" Tweet ever made. A show of class from the former President.

It's true but it's also very politically "mickey mouse".

Children also arent born with clitoridectomies.

Nor are they born with cognitive and communication abilities to speak against cultures and religions that espouse their own mutilation.
The fact that you consider a quote from Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom" to be "cringy populism" is telling, especially given the content of this quote.
It's cringy because it's not true. Our nature is to seek out differences and shove those aside with them, it's nature.
The famous quote was about how we weren't born with hate in our heart and was from Mandela. Still a weird correlation bro.
I disagree. Obama is a politician and a globalist. And he's very upset that our current president is tightening up our borders to Islam.
So basically all this did was reaffirm my choice of never making a twitter account
The fact that you consider a quote from Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom" to be "cringy populism" is telling, especially given the content of this quote.

Also doesn't take into consideration trump was elected off of populist rhetoric

And he's about as cringy as it gets. But what do you expect from morons who can't remember more than 1 year in the past
Obama stealing multiracial children from people's windows? Sad!
I see Obama is shopping for some hot dogs and pizza again.
that's funny because he's the real reason why this country is so divided that little fucking lying turd
You and your ilk are so unbelievably delusional. Lay off the conservative talk radio and join the rest of us here in reality. The reality where Obama was an extremely even tempered centrist.

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