Joe Rogan on Relationships

I enjoy Joe as a "personality", I think he's a very interesting man and his podcast is great. But I never, ever found him funny. I can't think of one instance off-hand during his stand up or podcast where he actually made me laugh. He seems to be better suited as a set up guy for legit funnymen like Joey Diaz.
His audience is casual UFC fans
Rogan's hilarious. It's ok if you don't think so though, a sense of humor isn't something you can force.
Rogan as a conedian... okay.
Hes not louie, rock, hart, burr... but hes good.
As a dude, hes fun... ive watched 3 of his podcasts... pretty good. Hes really good as an anslyst, but made a mistake or two in hindsight.
One reason to love the UFC: it saved the world from hundreds of Rogan's "comedy" appearances.
Brogaine will choke u in if he hearz u boiii
He a black belt wit dat jitz
Joe Rogan thinks he's a comedian but that's the thing he's least known for.
I love a few of his comedy bits. He often yells too much for my taste. I often find him hilarious in his podcast though and makes me laugh out loud

Do you remember any of his funniest bits in comedy or on the podcast? I'm totally willing to reverse my position on Joe because I do like him a lot, I just can't think of anything off hand that's made me laugh.
I enjoy Joe as a "personality", I think he's a very interesting man and his podcast is great. But I never, ever found him funny. I can't think of one instance off-hand during his stand up or podcast where he actually made me laugh. He seems to be better suited as a set up guy for legit funnymen like Joey Diaz.
I find his stand up to be complete garbage, mediocre at best, but I enjoy his podcast and commentary, he seems genuinely funny when he is natural and not trying to be funny.
It was removed because it was no longer necessary due to advancements in development.

It also happened before the uprising of the anti-vax loons. The thoroughly debunked, fraudulent study was published in 1998 and didn't catch fire with the tin foil crowd for a while. The person behind it was barred from practicing medicine years later because of it. He was planning to profit from the scare it induced and the testing/screenings that might have resulted. He was a con artist and some people still haven't caught on.
I understand there was a fraudulent study. I also know those ingredients were toxic and removed. Again, I was playing devil's advocate.

Perhaps you're young, but people have been crying foul about vaccines long before 1998. The study just made it worse.
Do you remember any of his funniest bits in comedy or on the podcast? I'm totally willing to reverse my position on Joe because I do like him a lot, I just can't think of anything off hand that's made me laugh.

I love the Noah's ark and Big dick pill bits, but again the delivery is too over the top and yelling. I think Joe is just often funny when he jokes around with his friends or whatever guest.

I cringe sometimes when he blows fighters like the way he can talk about Ronda Rousey and Amanda Nunes
Do you remember any of his funniest bits in comedy or on the podcast? I'm totally willing to reverse my position on Joe because I do like him a lot, I just can't think of anything off hand that's made me laugh.

he has his moments

this podcast was hilarious
says right In the article that It contains ethylmercury.. lmao

do a pubmed / google scholar search on ethylmercury and mercury In general. See all the shit you come up with.

They can say what they want. Which is exactly what you'd expect them to say. The government puts fluoride In the water too and tout the benefits of It. Saturated fat / cholesterol Is still widely considered to contribute to heart disease even though the Idea has been based on bad science for decades.

The reality Is

Mercury causes problems. There are people out there extremely sensitive to mercury In all forms.

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