GF bought me an Ipad, then cheated on me.

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A ring is the only thing that will stop me. I won't fuck around with a married woman, but a girl just dating? That's still fair game in my book.

I asked a girl if she was single once and she told me, Im seeing someone but Im looking at my finger and I dont see a ring. What do you want to do?

Women. :icon_neut
After reading the thread I think she's going to give you the iPad, then break up with you in a few days. I wouldn't confront her at all. Just get the ring back, make sure the iPad is safe, and maybe steel some other shit of hers that is expensive. Do it ASAP.
Man, if my girlfriend cheated on me, I'd cut her fucking head off. BUT

If she got me an Ipad...I'd see if I could get a ps3 out of her too.

edit: When she comes home, make sure you have "Kim" by Eminem blaring in the background.
At the very least, you Take photos of her depravity. (Gets these first)
Then get the ring. Then the iPad. Then ask for a large sum of
Money(just to see if she'll give it to you).

Then all bets are Fucking off. Do what you must, to show her how a
FUCKING ALPHA handles shit-whores.
get the ipad and pretend everything is OK.

next day ,dress up like Gollum from LOTR..
snatch the ring off her and say "my precious ,my precious...I need my precioussss"
then dump her ..

burst out lolling hard must admit
The more I think about it the more I am convinced of one thing: There's no fucking ipad. She's lying about that too.
Take Ipad then just never communicate with her again. Don't even give her an explanation.
Since you can't get away with punching her, I would take it from her then smash at her feet.
Pretend all is fine and destroy her.

Use her up video it take pic do nasty stuff to her treat her like a total whore till she breaks and accepts shes a worthless useless whore. Then when shes totally depended on you for survival due to her pathetically weak psyche.

You give her the boot.
Be gone before she gets home.
Leave a note asking for the ring back.
F the Ipad. Your integrity will be the ultimate payback.
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