Are kids not that great?

Pro tip for people without kids:
When you go out to a restaurant that people bring their families to, ask to sit at one of the tables in the bar area if available, rather than in the main dining area. Almost never kids, and its much quieter.
Do you enjoy living in society , man ? Interacting socially like this , commerce , hanging out with friends, meeting girls to have sex with ect ect? I'm gonna assume you do , so really " sucking it up " is the only reasonable thing to do. Being a child is a completely mandatory / involuntary and temporary PHASE( I highlight that word because everyone wants to pretend like they are some alien class) that everyone has to pass through. Society doesn't work without kids , how rational is it to expect them to stay out of your sight until they are useful to you? You'd probably feel a little weird about expressing similar vitriol about the mentally handicapped or the elderly , no?

That said , I'm all for keeping your young kids at home if they haven't got the self control to be quiet yet , I won't even attempt it right now excepting maybe MAYBE a lunch trip to chic fil a ....maybe. Than again they have a fucking play ground inside of the building , so if you go there looking for quiet that's on you. " Stupid ugly family " ? ......sheesh man.

I think he was saying that he expects parents to attempt to console or leave the restaurant when their kids make a tantrum, not that he never wants to see kids in public.

I'm sympathetic to this cause as well, because I know that childrens cries are like nails on chalkboard to many women. All he's asking is for people to be competent parents. This basically means traveling with 2 adults to restaurants, grocery stores, banks and etc. When my kid starts crying, we take turns going outside to not bother everyone else. I don't see a restaurant having a play ground as an excuse for your kid to be loud. The play ground is the restaurant helping you on keeping your kids occupied while you eat. We don't expect complete silence, but tantrums and overly loud screaming requires intervention. Also, have you noticed that tantrums are contagious? Your kid having a fit can cause others who are on the edge of being in a fit to have a full on tantrum.
Raising kids is not easy, however things that are most rewarding usually never come easy.

I'm not surprised at some of the responses to this thread though. Kids can be annoying, especially when they're not yours. Throw in the fact that some of you don't have kids yourself or hardly around them I can see where that perspective comes from.