Zookeeper Gabe's Animal Thread V7.0

While haast eagles were the largest eagle species in existence they still only wieghed between 25-35 pounds. The idea they could carry off a human is a bit of a misconception. It's possible they preyed on children but I doubt they attacked full grown humans.

They were perfectly suited to swoop down and crush the neck/head of moa's but a human is designed a bit differently. I mean it's entirely possible that a 35 pound mass traveling at 50 mph's could seriously fuck up a humans day
It was found in a cave where the conditions were just right. They recently found blood in a mummified 40,000+ year old horse. They’ve even found soft tissue in t-Rex fossils.

Speaking of turtles, China accidentally killed one of the four remaining Yangtze giant soft shell turtles by trying to artificially inseminate her. She was the only female left.
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This was absolutely devastating and hopefully the one they know about in a lake (they haven’t been able to catch it) is a female and they breed. Anesthesia is always touchy with reptile and that’s unfortunately what killed her.
Starfish with growth defects

These are @Clippy's left over poptarts. You can't trick us.

Dang, I'm jelly of an Arctic/Antarctic explorer lifestyle at the moment. Balls-freezing and frost-bite notwithstanding, I'd love to have such an adventure.

Not for life though. Balls-freezing and frost-bite, you know...
While haast eagles were the largest eagle species in existence they still only wieghed between 25-35 pounds. The idea they could carry off a human is a bit of a misconception. It's possible they preyed on children but I doubt they attacked full grown humans.

They were perfectly suited to swoop down and crush the neck/head of moa's but a human is designed a bit differently. I mean it's entirely possible that a 35 pound mass traveling at 50 mph's could seriously fuck up a humans day
Regular sized Berkut eagles are capable of killing a steppenwolf with a swooping strike to the back. Haast eagle could definetely kill a human. Not sure about carrrying the body, I don't know enough about carrying capability of modern eagles.
Regular sized Berkut eagles are capable of killing a steppenwolf with a swooping strike to the back. Haast eagle could definetely kill a human. Not sure about carrrying the body, I don't know enough about carrying capability of modern eagles.
Eagles have strong talons to tear up their prey. They kill, eat up, and take the "doggy bag" for the kids.

Is it kids for eagles? Chicks? Babes? @Zookeeper Gabe , educate us pls.
Eagles have strong talons to tear up their prey. They kill, eat up, and take the "doggy bag" for the kids.

Is it kids for eagles? Chicks? Babes? @Zookeeper Gabe , educate us pls.

I’ve heard fledgling, eaglet and chick.

My fovoirte stumper trivia is to ask people what the proper pluralization for Octopus is?

Not the growing commonized one being accepted simply becuase language evolves with usage. What is the technically correct pluarlizatin for Octopus.

Nope not

- octopuses
- octopi
- octopeese (like geese)

it is


Its a greek word and that is the proper pluralization from the greek.

Although both Octopuses and Octopi are becoming acceptable because...


While haast eagles were the largest eagle species in existence they still only wieghed between 25-35 pounds. The idea they could carry off a human is a bit of a misconception. It's possible they preyed on children but I doubt they attacked full grown humans.

They were perfectly suited to swoop down and crush the neck/head of moa's but a human is designed a bit differently. I mean it's entirely possible that a 35 pound mass traveling at 50 mph's could seriously fuck up a humans day
Of course can't carry off an human or even a kid


I can't stop laughing at this (sound on)


The african Driver Ant, aka "Army Ant"

These ants are the stuff of legends and nightmares.

This particular group of ants is on the move. They are relocating to a new home.

There are 2 types of ants here: Workers and soldiers.
The workers are the ones running back and forth, carrying everything they need to the new home.

And the soldiers are the ones standing on the sides.

They have one job: Keep the chain intact or die trying. When they die, a new ant immediately steps in and replaces it.

The driver ants are blind, but they are highly sensitive to vibrations and changes in temperature.

If they feel threatened, they will release a feromone that tells all the other ants to get ready for fighting.

All these ants then also release the same feromone, and very soon all the ants are attacking whatever threat they sense.

This has earned them the nickname Army Ants.

Even a scorpion is no match for this invincible army. For every ant the scorpion manages to hurt, 10 warrior ants will come and fight it.

The worker ants quickly begins to search the scorpion for weak spots to begin cutting through it's armor and dismember it.

In minutes, the scorpion is dismembered and carried back to the nest. Anyone or anything that gets in their way is killed, unless it is able to move and get away.

The farmers use the ants to help clear the fields of pests. Sometimes the ants are on the move, specifically looking for food. When that happens, the local often use the ants as organic garbage disposal.

If an obstacle is in the way, it will have to be moved. Every ant can lift up to 50 times its own weight.

On top of that, the ants are able to coordinate their effort so precisely, that the entire flock lifts as one.