Your favorite Voodoo Witchdoctor remedies.


Doctor of Doom
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Feb 22, 2005
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This thread is not about building muscle or losing fat, frankly there's enough of that. Rather I'm interested to know how many of you, like me, have wierd grandmothers who always blurted out the most oddball shit to do as a remedy that much to your surprise and despite all your skepticism, actually freakin' WORKED. You know, like you'd have a pimple and your grandmother would go "babeh, you need ta crack a boiled egg, take the shell, and scrub dat pimple wif da inside of dat shell nah." And you were like "whatever you old bat"...but then out of curiosity you tried it, and the shit actually worked. So now, all your friends think you're a lunatic Medically speaking because you swear before God this lame-sounding thing they never thought about actually does the trick. I'll list some of mine, and if you don't believe me...try them.

1) Crystallized Ginger - You guys have heard me mention it before. This shit is pure magic. I buy it in the candied version because I like the taste though a lot of people can't handle the kick it gives. Comes coated in a little cane sugar. This shit will cure almost ANY form of nausea or stomach discomfort. From the shits, to motion sickness, even Morning Sickness if you knock your girl up. Every person that comes to my store who complains of stomach discomfort I tell them to get a little bag of it, only $3, and it'll work better than Pepto Bismol, or any other ant-acid. They do, and now we can't keep the shit on the shelves.

2) Aloe Vera - What CAN'T Aloe Vera do? I drink the gel to ease Acid Reflux, and it works like a charm. Though the one drawback is it tastes like liquid erasers. You can put this shit on burns, when you drink it it coats your stomach, re-placeing deteriorated stomach lining. Plus you'll notice your skin consistency is much better. Plus, get this. I developed a couple of boils (which is a minor form of Staphylococcus Infection) and someone recommended I use the gel on them because Aloe is notrious for it's ability to penetrate the skin. Boils have to be drawn out to heal properly. Damn if the shit didn't work. These things wouldn't heal for months, now they're barely visible.

3) Throat Coat Tea from Traditional Medicinals - A couple of Jamaican clients asked for this crap "y'all got da troat coat?" We did and I had never heard of it. Now I always keep a box because if your throat is a little hoarse, mix this shit with some honey and it's gone in no time.

4) Emergen-C - I also doubted this stuff at first. I haven't had a cold in about 2 years or more. But the last time I did everyone at work kept recommending it. It tastes like lightly flavored ass, hard to keep drinking, but let me tell you. You know that feeling like you been hit by a truck when you're sick? This shit will keep you feeling normal and help fight the virus.

5) Zinc Lozenges - A lot of throat crap just numbs it until it heals (Chloraseptic), but the Zinc in the Zinc Lozenges will actually do a bit to repair the damaged tissue. I keep this stuff around as well after trying it out. The one thing that sucks though is your throat is kind of dry when you're done with them, but you have the "Troat Coat" for that.

6) Oscilococcinum - Say that three times fast. If you think you might be getting a Flu, take this shit within the first three days and more times than not it WILL kill it. One of our more popular natural remedies with an excellent reputation.

7) Noni - Either Tahitian or Polynesian. I kept hearing about it and kept hearing about it forever. I can't even tell you what specifically the shit does but that's it's a powerful anti-oxidant. But we have people who buy it religiously. I have a bottle now and it sucks to drink, but the things people have noticed if I listed them would resemble the opposite of all of the bad shit listed about Aspartame. lol

8) Oatmeal Soap - I know what you're thinking. Sounds kind of girly. I saw this shit in our store and normally I don't go near the cosmetics because, well...I'm a dude. But something my grandmother kept saying echoed in my head. That whenever her kids had skin conditions she would bathe them in Oatmeal of all things. Plus I took a whiff of it and it smelled good, not in a Metrosexual way either. I been using it recently and occasionally I get Acne. It might be purely psychological but I swear the shit is clearing up, and I notice my skin isn't oily at all, but it's not dry and filmy either.

9) Dr. Bonner's Castille Soap - This one is more of a man's soap. This shit is purely amazing, reason being you can do ANYTHING with it. You can bathe, wash your dishes, wash your car, wash your hair, and a Soldier who was buying it to take to Iraq even told me in desperate times in the middle of the desert some of the Soldiers will even brush their teeth with it, though it tastes like shit. So if you have a wife or girlfriend and don't want all these feminine soaps and shit around the house, turn her onto this stuff.

10) Tea Tree Oil - I shit you not. This stuff is another thing I can't say enough about. It can get rust off a car bumper. lol It's one of the strongest antiseptics I've ever used. It kills like any fungus or bacteria, and it can be used also on cuts and shit (diluted though). Also for you guys (or girls) who have piercings and don't bother taking them out to train, but fear they might be or become infected. This shit will clear that up lickety-split. I even went as far as to buy some Tea Tree Oil toothpaste, because I HAD to know. Now I don't care for any other toothpaste. I have the "Healthy Mouth" made by JASON, and this shit keeps your teeth feeling clean even AFTER you eat.

So if any of you guys have any other general health off-the-wall things you use, feel free to list them. I love knowing shit like this (even if it doesn't work for some people) because when you have kids this kind of knowledge makes them feel like you know everything under the sun. lol
No 1
No 2
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No 10

We're more alike than I thought King.

My grandmother is Tibetan, raised in a monastary and fled with a few others when shit got heavy in the 40's.

So you can imagine how much TCM (traditional chinese medicine) has influenced my life.

As for the above mentioned King...right on.

Ginger is awesome.
Cant live without Aloe Gold from Aloelife
Oscilo is on hand during the change of seasons.
Havent bathed with anything else but Dr Bonners Peppermint or Tea Tree and when I run outta Tide it works great.
Tea Tree for absolutly everything. From compresses to humidifier.

As for the Noni...Im a believer because it's natural...but never used it.
Sell alot but never used it.

Silver coin in the water for purification. i.e. colloidialsilver.
Fun shit, I'll have to make try some of this shit out. I already eat candied ginger like it's potatoe chips, that shit is delicious. and oatmeal soap is a reccomendation I've heard a lot.

Some questions and comments on aloe, do you get a pure extract, or a lotion from a drug store or something? For consumption I mean. And while it's been reccomended for sunburns for as long as I can remember, my girlfriend turned me on to neutrogena cleanser instead of aloe. It really helped me out this summer, the menthol feels great and it's really deeply moisturizing. Not quite the spirit of the thread, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyways.

Here's this for bizarre cures, my teacher was telling us about when his mom was bit by a copperhead. They tried every weird cure they had (keroseen, cuting and sucking, alchohol, etc) but she continued to get worse. Finally they turned to their local crazylady who had backwoods cures for everything. She said go down and get a live, black rooster. cut it open (down the middle of the chest) while it was alive and tie it to the bite overnight. The next morning she was right as rain, and as a weird coincidence, the inside of the rooster was entirely green.
I've heard so much about Noni too...I bought a few bottles in the past and took them, never really felt a difference. It was difficult to consume though, I had to do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and couldn't eat for an hour after that, the directions told me that if I ate anything my digestive system would destroy the enzymes or some shit like that.
thats fuckin gross urban, who would sleep with half of a dead rooster tied to their leg? hahah.
and being a do-it-yourselfer, I discovered you can make oatmeal soap pretty damn easily... Melt a bar of dove, add 3-4 tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal (think coffee consistency, not flour a coffee grinder or blender works fine for this. Of course if you don't want the coarseness you could continue to work it until it's flour. Myself, I'm tempted to add sand to my soap... cause I'm manly), add a bit shea butter or dark honey, and voila! instant bar of oatmeal soap. pour it into a mold or you might be able to mold it with your hands as it cools. You can even add a rope if you like.

Now you're thinking, urban, you're a moron. this is way too much work and doesn't save enough money. Well, you may be right, but most oatmeal soaps aren't sold in bulk around here. And truth be told you should be looking for a body bar not a soap anyways (cause soap is more likely to dry out your skin). In any event, you have the information and thus the option if you should choose to act on it.
Oh and thanks chad. Anyone got a tea tree oil link for sombody in need?
I buy 100% raw Aloe Vera Gel for consumption.

Here's this for bizarre cures, my teacher was telling us about when his mom was bit by a copperhead. They tried every weird cure they had (keroseen, cuting and sucking, alchohol, etc) but she continued to get worse. Finally they turned to their local crazylady who had backwoods cures for everything. She said go down and get a live, black rooster. cut it open (down the middle of the chest) while it was alive and tie it to the bite overnight. The next morning she was right as rain, and as a weird coincidence, the inside of the rooster was entirely green.

Dude I don't doubt this one bit. A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them (Chad you'll get a kick out of this), but my Father's mother lived in Honduras all her life despite not being Native there (she's mostly Cuban and Native American)...and she is into Voodoo seriously. She does Santeria, a lot of people have tons of questions about wether or not it works and I just tell them if her will is stronger than yours (and most times it is) then she can do a lot to make your life a living Nightmare. Anywho, that being said, you can imagine the WORLDS of cooky shit she did on a regular basis. When I was like 3 my front teeth were all rotted and I had horrible digestive problems (I think my stomach is still messed up from this) but they found out I was allergic to the baby formula eventually. Well my mom had me stay with my Voodoo grandmother (My other grandmother has gypsy blood, the one who bathed her kids in oatmeal...go figure) and she would give me this mixture of honey, lime, and some kind of liqour, at the time it cured all my digestion problems. I have no idea what she put in that shit either.

People always ask about sacrifices. She does it, but they sacrifice animals like chickens and shit and ask the Santos to bless the meat, then they go to their home countries and feed the poor with it. So there's a lot of misconceptions about their rituals. But she has some wierd fucking solution for every ailment. Ironically enough the only things that seem to be beyond these types of people are bacterial diseases that mutate or spread too rapidly.
I've heard so much about Noni too...I bought a few bottles in the past and took them, never really felt a difference. It was difficult to consume though, I had to do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and couldn't eat for an hour after that, the directions told me that if I ate anything my digestive system would destroy the enzymes or some shit like that.

Not every kind of Noni is legit. The ones that sell best at my store are Tahitian Trader and Noni Gold. Like I said I can't specifically list what they do because there isn't any solidified thing...but I'll put it like this. Cancer patients buy this shit like it's gonna dry up and fly away at any moment.
GREAT THREAD. Personally the only one I can comment on is number one. There is a place close to me that sells Lemon, Ginger, and echinechia( Spelling ? ) juice and when I get it home I cut it with green tea, man that stuff is pure gold makes me feel like a million bucks.
I think this thread may be worthy of a sticky.
Nah, I've already been informed I make too many stickies. lol
Brainwave entrainment. Basically, brainwave entrainment works by harmonizing your brainwaves by introducing two sine waves whose difference is the target brainwave frequency that you wish to experience. The brain will "entrain" itself to that frequency. The benefit of this is in recovery mostly. Brainwave entrainment can put your mind on "sleep" frequency throughout the night, therefore producing maximum muscle growth. It can also be utilized during a workout by entraining to Beta level brainwaves for exercise. It works for me anyway. A few things you need to know:
You need good headphones that can get down to 20Hz or less range.
A downloaded copy of an entrainment tape isn't useful, as the variable range of frequency due to copy is too much.
It is easy to make your own with a decent sound editor, and save yourself a bunch of money.
man did you ever just set of bullshit alarms all over my room. I have NEVER seen a pair of headphones that went down to 2hz, ESPECIALLY since humans can't hear below 8hz.
Does anybody know where I can get candied ginger? I have been looking online and the sites I have seen suck so far.
stryker505 said:
Does anybody know where I can get candied ginger? I have been looking online and the sites I have seen suck so far.

I am pretty sure you can get it at any specially food stores, they also sell normal fresh ginger at most supermarkets, the stuff keeps forever in the fridge and you can put it in a food processor grind it up the squeeze the juice out of it. Although only drinking the juice will take out all of the good fiber it has. ( and don
Nice site for that ginger. its really cheep too. Thanke
Have you tryed any of the ginger soft drinks ? the Spiced apple brew sounds yummy.
tea tree oil is the shit

and lemon oil

has anyone here ever had like this certain tea , its called Kombucha Tea
i used to drink it when i was younger , i wouldnt mind getting it going again , it was really nice from what i recall.
Have you tryed any of the ginger soft drinks ? the Spiced apple brew sounds yummy.

We sell one of their Ginger beers, but I don't drink them because I try to avoid drinks with calories above 50.