You know what really grinds my gears

I also hate when assholes ruin a parallel park parking spot by being incompetent morons. Usually it is only one person who has pulled up/backed up a bit too far, but it's extra grinding when it's a combo effort of two cars being sucky at parking.

Or when someone parks in such a way that the front end is in one spot and the back is in the other effectively taking up two spots.
I loathe when people don't put their shopping carts in the cart corral too. It's extremely inconsiderate.
I loathe when people don't put their shopping carts in the cart corral too. It's extremely inconsiderate.

I was at costco tonight, two perfect rows of carts in the corral behind 4 carts plugging access to the two perfect rows of carts.....
President Van Burren.
Organic oatmeal.

Servers. The least skilled, but most self-righteous fuckers out there.

hating on Oatmeal is the most communist thing i'ver seen, yah commie.
Nothing wrong with people not walking on escalators, as long as they are standing to the left so other people can pass by.

i thought u were supposed to stand on the right and let ppl pass on the left
inconsistent standards, so nobody knows WTF their supposed to do.



Dude, it's like when you pass a car while driving, the fast lane is on the left
People who buy lottery tickets holding up the line are the people id have to destroy if I was the king of the world.

I loathe these people
People who buy lottery tickets holding up the line are the people id have to destroy if I was the king of the world.

I loathe these people

Me too.. most annoying people...
Whats up Bobby? How's life?

Actually, and I'm being 100% dead serious, I found out today my heart is enlarged and I have two spots on it that they currently are calling "calcification." I have to go to a cardiologist and get a bunch of tests done, and potentially may have to have heart surgery. Or those spots could end up being something else, like heart disease. I'm 30 years old.

Funny thing is, I'm not all that fucked up about it. Shit happens. Just been going about my business today since I found out.