You go through a dwi checkpoint

Well yeah, that's why I don't fuck with them, because I don't know. I mean this is from a guy that isn't overly fond of cops in general, I've had a gun pulled on me by cops for no reason before, been treated roughly, accused of shit I didn't do, etc. I'm not trying to get shot or put in jail though and I realize every cop isn't a douche
For sure, I'm not saying its a smart move... Just saying I could imagine why people could maybe want to fuck with them
For sure, I'm not saying its a smart move... Just saying I could imagine why people could maybe want to fuck with them
Oh i get the sentiment for sure. When people actually act on it though... it's like c'mon guy are you 8 years old ffs.


Cop: Have a nice day/afternoon/evening.

I'm going to do a quick search of the vehicle for drugs, guns, or other contraband. For your safety and mine, I'm going to place you in the back of my patrol car. Please turn around and place your hands behind your back.
Sir, if you don't comply you will be arrested for interfering with a police investigation and resisting arrest. Now turn around and place your hands behind your back or you will be tazed.
I love cops. I've been arrested a fuck load of times in my teens and I can say all of the time they've been nothing but nice.
first state you are a sovereign citizen. then ask if you are being detained. then drive off like a boss
Before you say anything, make sure to tweak your nipples first.
I love cops. I've been arrested a fuck load of times in my teens and I can say all of the time they've been nothing but nice.

Those were polite ol' gentleman-like bobbies. We're talking about big ol' mean Murican coppers.

Before you say anything, make sure to tweak your nipples first.

And arch your back.
I befriend all the popos to balance out all my wannabe gangster friends.
You're not impaired. The cop asks you where you are going and where you're coming from. Do you answer his questions?

Happened to me a while back and i instinctively answered truthfully. However i think the correct answer is none of your business. This is America and i have the right to travel freely. Im thinking about saying so next time out of principle.

What say you?
I fucking hate checkpoints. My pupils are usually huge if it is night and I seem to give off some kind of vibe, most of the time they make me pull to the side area where they hassle me. Once I almost missed a movie because they had to find their guy with "extra training" to check my pulse on my wrist and decide I wasnt on hillbilly heroin I guess. But yeah generally I just go with the flow. Maybe one time if I know all my paperwork is in order and I am dead sober I will pull the AM I BEING DETAINED routine just to stick it to the man.
Fair enough...definitely the easiest play. But if your papers are in order and ur stone sober, its a good time to fuck with them.

every cop has a little packet of coke in his back pocket, which will miraculously end up in your car.
go ahead, dumbass, fuck with them and turn a routine DUI stop into felony possession.
Meh, if they are being polite I just as soon be polite right back, answer questions ect.

What do I care if he knows where I'm going? I just flip the coin and imagine people acting like that to me at my job. You are just truly trying to do the best you can and some jackass pops off with rude random comments. I understand what you are saying isn't rude in anyway, but we all know the drill, just do your thing and move along.
Don't be stupid, free country or not they are the police, they have the authority to ask those questions and for good reason. It's for public safety.

How many people are killed by drunk drivers?

They are doing it for public safety. Sure there are asshole cops because some people are assholes. But stuff like this helps more than harms.

Agree that they have the authority, are in service of public safety, and do more to help than harm.

Although, poking their nose into your window under the pretense of seeking out drunk drivers is just the tip of the iceberg as far a what they are actually looking for, and doing.

They highlighted green can be interpreted in a few ways. I think what you are saying is;
As far as asshole cops being assholes, because assholes. No, its just some are assholes, cop, or not. Is that what you meant?