Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5 - Which one will you buy?

Which one will you buy?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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I never got into Xbox consoles. But I've had PlayStation 3 & 4. So I'm probably going to get the PS5.

But I'll wait until next year to get it.

I’m getting Xbox but I’ll get a ps5 in a few years if they have a bunch of games I want to play. So far demons souls is the only game they’ve showed I’m interested in.
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PS5, please and thank you.
If ps5 isn't available right away I may pick up a $300 Xbox until later. Haven't had an Xbox since the original
Have pre-ordered both but will most likely cancel one. Can't justify both consoles when I play 1-2 hours per day at most.
Leaning towards PS5 at the moment.
Xbox is doing great thing with the hardware, gamepass, auto-HDR, etc. but I need my God of War's, Naughty Dog games, Demon's Souls, Persons's.
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X Series now and PS5 Pro whenever that comes out. I have to play Bloodborne and Demon Souls eventually, I love Dark Souls.
Have preordered PS5. Could end up picking up a Series X in a year or two when some of its exclusives start releasing in abundance, unless I pick up a gaming PC, but the Xbox is pretty decent bang for the buck for the power of the hardware you’re getting, so it is tempting vs a PC at the moment. Then again, in two years they‘ll probably be on the 4000 series of Nvidia gpus and 12000 series of Intel cpus and 7000 series of AMD cpus so we’ll see.
The one that gets Street Fighter. If it's not exclusive, then Xbox because of Forza.
Neither. Maybe down the line at some point. I just don't see the need to buy either one at this point in time. I would probably go with the PS5 if I didn't completely hate that godawful controller, also prefer Xbox live. Will probably get a Switch next.
I just don’t see the point of owning a Series X right now. A lot of the games will still be coming to the One X at decent performance so the incentive is lessened for me. If you have a base Xbox One then I could see it making more sense.

I do like a lot of what Microsoft is doing, however.

As I’ve said, maybe in 2-3 years when there’s more of a robust library. As it stands now I’ve got several PS5 games in the next year or so that I can’t wait to play.
Not really on topic but I actually just got a PS4 after playing Xbox 360 since 2007. So I'm pretty pumped that I've got an entire library of games available, and for cheap. I'll be entertained with this for a few years before eventually deciding which way to go for the next generation.
Will get the PS5 first, aiming for 6 months or so when they're more handily available online...then in like 3-4 years, will get the XsX
I’d buy a PS5 since it will have actual exclusives and I don’t drink choccy milk.
@4daLuLZ getting an Xbox in a shocking turn of events.
Not really the dude is obviously a troll.

I’ll be getting a PS5 for the exclusives. Everything on Xbox comes out in PC so no point in getting an Xbox