Wresting: The Cancer Killing MMA

Many people complaining about wrestlers complain about the lack of damage in reality. Allowing knees to grounded opponents would make things way more interesting imo.

Personally I don't have any problem with a good grappling/wrestling clinic though.
Yeah that's true, I never minded when Cain Velasquez used his wrestling because he pulverized people.
All the more reason that the UFC should become a mixed striking combat organisation only and ban grappling/wrestling since casuals who pay for PPVs and tickets find grappling/wrestling boring and only want striking

The FOTN at UFC 306 was just a striking match only between Ribovics & Zellhuber for example

Striking only matches in the UFC excite the casual crowd, when the crowd shows the same excitement for grappling/wrestling matches like they do striking then it might change but all you hear is booing and jeers at live events whenever grappling/wrestling is involved
wrestling is a fighting style too so if they are laying and preying, then the opponent should do something about it. Its part of the sport. Its not pretty but its fair game.
wrestling is a fighting style too so if they are laying and preying, then the opponent should do something about it. Its part of the sport. Its not pretty but its fair game.

The problem is the scoring. You shouldn't win a round simply because you took someone down and did nothing with it at the end of the round.
The problem is the scoring. You shouldn't win a round simply because you took someone down and did nothing with it at the end of the round.
Thats true if hes just in the position not doing anything, he should not get any points but the issue is, how would they score the fight if the other guy also did nothing on the feet or on the ground? Unfortunately the person on top will get favored.
- takedowns should not score points by itself
- 30 seconds of inactivity should warrant a get up
those two changes would make control timing irrelevant
Thats true if hes just in the position not doing anything, he should not get any points but the issue is, how would they score the fight if the other guy also did nothing on the feet or on the ground? Unfortunately the person on top will get favored.

Tie IMO.

A lot of times, you have a really even round standing and then with like 30 seconds left, one fighter takes the other down to "secure" the round. I hate that.
Its not wrestling that's ruining the sport its the modern fans short attention span probably from growing up with social media and all the drama and dopamine rushes, if you're gonna rip on wrestlers then please also complain about strikers that have sparring matches all the way to a decision that shit if fukking boring as shit as well.

Another point its up to the guy on the bottom to escape not the fault of the wrestler if you can't guess what you aren't as good and the wrestler is better.

UFC 306 sucked ass I never bothered tuning into that dog shit, don't care about O'malley or Shevchenko and the rest of the nobodies on that lame card, anyone who doesn't think that shit sucked just look at the results. I would watch PFL October event any day over 306.
Educated fans are rare in MMA now, most casual fans want a brawl and thats it. You can tell by the boos when the fighter is actually doing what hes supposed to do.
I think fighters need to be rewarded for defending takedowns, this would make wrestlers more hesitant to shoot unless they were 100% confident in getting the takedown, just as strikers are more hesitant with their striking due to the TD threat, it should be the other way around as well

A clear takedown stuff or clean defensive scramble needs to hold some significant weight on the scorecards

The judging rules were already changed to favor damage over any sort of grappling control.

People are just complaining because they don't like grapplers who can shut down strikers.

That problem is easily solved by watching boxing or kickboxing instead of MMA.
Just do what I do - watch the events when you can fast forward. I often FF all WMMA fights until the finish and if someone gets KOd I'll go back and watch it for 20 seconds.

Midgets I don't bother. They get the WMMA treatment. Anyone who I like or is an exciting fighter I watch the whole fight. Most UFC events I get through in 30 minutes with this approach. You'll enjoy the sport more this way.
It's more the outdated rule set than it is wrestling imo. They still have the same rules as when politicians were calling mma human cock fighting. We need yellow cards and knees to a downed opponent Also red cards for disqualification if the yellow cards don't make them fight.
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- takedowns should not score points by itself
- 30 seconds of inactivity should warrant a get up
those two changes would make control timing irrelevant
Guys already hold on for dear life to try and get a stand up from the ref, a 30 second rule would make things worse unless you legalize headbutts or something.
If I have to sit through another fight card where the wrestler can’t manage taking any punches or kicks to the body, and just shoots and spends the next 15 minutes laying on his opponent with absolutely no attempt to end the fight and it wins them a decision, I’m gonna loose my shit.. Wrestlers need to stick to their own matches and stay out of the MMA world in my opinion; now don’t get me wrong if a wrestler uses it to gain position, or inflict damage and so forth then great, I’m all for it, but to just use if for controlling the match is unacceptable. The word “Mix Martial Arts” means just that, not one-trick-pony moves. Wrestling and control moves is a recipe for a snooze fest; take the latest UFC 306 for example you have arguably one of the greatest UFC events ever done with fighters like Ronaldo Rodriguez, Ode Osbourne, Esteban Ribovics, Daniel Zellhuber, Diego Lopez, and Brian Ortega pouring every bit of heart and soul into the fight, which blew the fans away, only to have the last two main event cards Alexa Grasso/Valentina Shevchenko, and Sean O’Malley/Merab Dvalishvili suck the life out of us from Shevchenko and Dvalishvili wrestling BS. It’s unfortunate to see something that should be used as an effective method of control and setting up finishes get used to simple grind out a decision. For the last couple of years I have also been watching One Championship Friday Night Fights from Thailand, and these guys have the right idea where they showcase specific martial arts like Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Grappling, and MMA. It’s an absolute thing of beauty watching the best Warriors in the world compete for a title shot or contract. These guys are also heavily incentivized by getting an extra $10K for a knockout or submission, which makes for a banger of a fight.

Anyway enough ranting the bottom line is I’m sick of wrestlers on the post fight interviews squeak about how that they wanted to get the knockout finish but came up short for some reason or another. The sad thing is most of these guys nowadays, train to control the fight and get a safe decision and thats it! In other words if the system is broken because it’s encouraging dull and uninteresting fighters, we need to change the system. Thanks for reading this and curious what your thoughts are. Mr Baker
You must be knew to mma. Wrestlers have been dominating mma since UFC3.
No, that's a dumbass idea. Giving points for defense will make fighters even more hesitant to attempt offense, this would make fights even more boring. Defense does not and never should score in MMA, defense is it's own reward, if you defend well your opponents offense doesn't score much and if you defend well enough their attempted offense doesn't score at all.

Imagine every fight being like Lewis Vs Frank because nobody dares throw unless they know they're going to land lol.
Judging does still favour positional grappling too much IMHO. Granted I don't think you can have an exact equivalent for someone having top position in guard in the standup but I feel like if you say have half a round of one guy clearly winning the stand up inflicting significant punishment and then one guy just holding the other down for the other half landing little or nothing then it will be pretty even as to who gets the judges decision right now and I don't think it should be.

I feel like being in guard landing verry little offence should be more equivalent to having a little bit of an edge standing without really landing much big or dominating, if you have half a round were one guy is edging it landing a few more jabs and lowkicks without a ton on them and then the other guy takes him down and stays in his guard landing little on him then that should be an even round.

Being active from the bottom should also count for much more than it does, if one guy is threatening subs(not just attempting them but their being a threat) against an opponent doing nothing but laying on him then he should win the round.