Is O'Malley a PED cheat?

He is very skinny.

I remember he got caught with something... The same thing Ryan Garcia got caught with. Did that get resolved or what happened?

Edit: ah found the article

if he took things that make his performance enhanced then yes
same as all the fighter
It helps you mainting your strength while focusing on cardio training. It's def a cheat code

Ostarine is some good shit. Doesn't count as a PED where im from but it definitely is.

It helps with weight loss and cardio.

I wanted to buy some in the past, but didn't.
From what I know from others, it's actually a little detrimental to your cardio, that's why you have to take it with cardarine.
He looked so bad against Merab compared to his previous fights, even Dana said he looked flat. It raises suspicion for me.
O'Malley succeeded with contaminated supplement argument. PEDs are far more common than reported though
Ostarine antiseptic

It says what it does, and does what it says
Well, yeah.

He got suspended for failed tests.

Also isn’t osterine for cardio not muscle mass? So him being skinning makes sense.
Not exactly. Ostarine is a SARM.

If I recall correctly:


Androgen receptors play a prominent role in the function of the male hormone testosterone.

SARMS (some better than others) as such function in a somewhat similar manner to steroids.

Ostarine was designed to help prevent "muscle wasting" AKA atrophy, and has been proven in studies to help people, including target demographics such as senior citizens and cancer patients, maintain muscle tissue and grow new muscle tissue.
(Many many steroids got their start with the same "origin story")

That said, Ostarine is relatively weak sauce among the SARM world, which in and of itself is IMO, weak sauce relative to actual steroids.

But it is a banned substance.

It is the first and thus the most common mainstream SARM and actually does have a documented history of being found in Tainted substances, which occurs at least in part due to the fact that SARMS are marketed as "research chemicals not for human use" which is the way that they are sold yet circumvent most regulation.

(I am not saying it is my opinion that OMalley got a tainted substance. Generally speaking I find that excuse to be bullshit.)

There IS a somewhat similar product called Cardarine which is often sold by the same places that sell SARMS, which is for cardio and not for mass. That shit is pretty amazing and IMO probably somewhat mimics the type of effects that EPO users are looking for.

Cardarine is a PPAR receptor agonist.

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta

I know less about how PPAR whatevers work but I can confirm that Cardarine has an UNBELIEVABLE effect on cardio output.
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Does it help with strength? Honestly you can barely tell when someone’s taking it. It gives you that lean strong look… (I think?)

Unlike TRT where dudes get all red

Ostarine helps maintain strength and muscle mass during a cut as well as burn fat quicker I believe. It’s specifically used by bodybuilders cutting for that reason, as well as helps heal injuries and what not. As far as strength goes it will probably only add like 20 pounds to your bench, but for a fine tuned athlete that is cutting a lot of weight I’d say the benefits would be pretty fucking good.

Comparing it to steroids and even other SARMS though it’s baby’s first cycle and the weakest of pretty much anything like that
Sterling and Haney didn't fail for Ostarine.

Haney is Victor Conte's athlete, right?

Yeah I know that they didn't take anything.
I'm just saying that fans wouldn't have been so permissive they fighters if they had done the same that Sean and Ryan.
Omalley got suspended you dumbass. That's blame, you retard

I'm talking about the fans you jinggleberry.
Is ostarine strong?

it's still under study but for what i know at the time it used to be downplayed like it was a light substances, some years later the studies have advanced and it came out that the more they learn about it the more the substance looks stronger than what they initially thought.
Famous fighters are allowed to test positive for the same banned substance they used years ago.

It’s called pulsing, aka privilege.