Would you date a short 5'1 muscular chick with thick thighs and butt?

What I noticed from short chicks is the fact that they tend to be more demanding of dating a real tall guy. Could be coincidence.
Short girls can have amazing legs and much nicer feet then tall girls!
I'd motorboat that ass.


And then wood marry
A chick like this she likes to lift heavy weights, She is 5 foot 1 and 125 pounds. I saw some guys on another forum calling her fat and said she will get fat by 45, I never understood guys who say that why are they worried about 20 years down the line makes no sense.







Yeah, but her kid and hairstyle has to go.
I’d date a short chick that was into fitness and who was in good shape even if she had a pretty thick frame.

I’d get her off the roids and participating in daily liss (low intensity steady state) walks with the pups and me to burn off the excess mass, while using her as a handy lifting partner in the gym.

Sadly chicks on roids probably aren’t into natural will-o-wisps like me, despite excellent cardio, decent strength p4p and my healthy endocrine system. At least I can always go “got a 1000 pound total” to them like I’m at least 6’ on tinder.
Well, if I was single and she said ' Yea ' then hell yea...
Not really into brolic women but yeah. If I had the opportunity, her cheeks will be clapped