Worlds Strongest Man Results


Green Belt
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Ironmind has been posting the results and as of today, American Jesse Marunde was the overall leader after four events. He looked like he had a good shot at being the first American to win since Kaz in 82.

The first 4 events and results were.


1. Jesse Marunde
2. Dominic Filiou
3. Jarek Dymek
4. Don Pope
5. Dave Ostlund


1. Tarmo Mitt
2. Don Pope
3. Ralf Ber
4. Mariusz Pudzianowski
5. Dave Ostlund


1. Mariusz Pudzianowski
2. Dominic Filiou
3. Jarek Dymek
4. Jesse Marunde
5. Ralf Ber


1. Mariusz Pudzianowski
2. Jesse Marunde
3. Dominic Filiiou
4. Jarek Dymek, Ralf Ber (tie)

Today was the Chinese "ding" carry (a 375lb pot) and Squats (671 lbs) and Friday is the Atlas Stones. Some people thought Jesse was the favorite because he is slightly better at the stones than Mariusz and also Pudz has never completed all the squats (though he never had to because he always so far ahead)

Well, Mariusz came out today and blew away the competiion winning both events easily. He can completly bomb the stones and still win.

Jesse still has a good shot at second and Canadian Dominic Filiou is third.

Here is what Dave Ostlund (one of the competitiors) posted on another board about todays events.

"Day 3 is finished. Mariusz is 3x WSM. He has a 10pt lead over Jesse and even if he did not do stones and got 0 pts and Jesse won stones, he would win on countback.

Squat was first today and we did it in the rain.

Mariusz was one of 3 guys to do all 7 lifts and he did it fastest. Second was Dominic and third was Ralf Ber.

Janne and Jarek made 6 lifts, Jesse and Don made 5, me and Elbrus made 4, and Tarmo did 3.

9th for me on squat, but 671 is a PR for me so I'm not too disappointed.

Ding Carry was second after about a 3 hr break.

1st- Mariusz 90m
2nd- Virtanen 77m
3rd- Tarmo 71m
4th- Nigmatulin 69m
5th- Dymek 67m
6th- Ostlund 66m
7th- Either Jesse or Ber with just over 60m
9th- Pope 45m
10- Filiou 28m

The technique everyone used was for the top of the ding to be against the chest/stomach and the feet were sticking straight out. It was much more stressful on the hamstrings than conan's wheel, husafel, or any other front carry.

Barring a major disaster tomorrow, Jesse will finish second. There is a tight race for 3rd between Filiou, Dymek, and Virtanen.

I am currently in 9th but with a good performance tomorrow I can move as high as 6th, but probably only to 7th or 8th.

If Don performs up to par on stones he will wind up in 6th most likely."
Nice to see an American near the top. Hopefully, it can spur some more interest in the sport here in the states.
Nice job Jesse. NOt long and he will start outright winning some of these comps. Second place is awesome for an American. Thanks for the info nudge!
Ostlund actually posts on another board I visit, and he's so low key and mellow I didn't even know he was strong, let alone THAT strong until somebody was like "GOODLUCK DAVE" and then I found out and was floored.
Does anyone know if and when this event will be broadcasted on Eurosport?
Is Zdrunas (sp?) not competing this year?
Zydrunas Savickas just won the IFSA Stongman world championship in Canada last week.

The IFSA and "Met-Rx World's Strongest Man" are competing organizations. The IFSA signed away a lot of the big names this past year including:

1. Zydrunas Savickas
2. Raimonds Bergmanis
3. Vasyl Virastyuk
4. Magnus Samuelsson
5. Andrus Murumets
6. Tomi Lotta
7. Mikhail Koklyaev
8. Igor Pedan
9. Robert Szchpanski
10. Svend Karlsen
11. Vidas Blekaitis
12. Phil Pfister
13. Travis Ortmayer
14. Karl Gillingham
15. Geoff Dolan
16. Mark Felix
Are these airing live on ESPN ? I know they have showssome strong man stuff in the past. I really enjoy them.
That's interesting about the IFSA. Makes you wonder where Marunde would be in the WSM rankings if all those current IFSA guys were still doing the Met-RX show. Hmmmmm.
SSF has just picked up Steve macDonald. We are happy to sponsor him, for those of you that don't know him, here is a video of him. The first lift is for 805lbs and the second is for 835lbs.
Dash_Riprock said:
That's interesting about the IFSA. Makes you wonder where Marunde would be in the WSM rankings if all those current IFSA guys were still doing the Met-RX show. Hmmmmm.

Exactly, hopefully we will get to see Mariusz and Zydrunas compete again sometime soon.

By the way - Mariusz won the Atlas Stones easily today even though he didn't even need to complete a single one to win the whole contest.

Here are the final standings...

1. Mariusz Pudzianowski
2. Jesse Marunde
3. Dominic Filiou
4. Jarek Dymek
5. Janne Virtanen
6. Tarmo Mitt
7. Ralf Ber
8. Don Pope
9. Dave Ostlund
10. Elbrus Nigmatulin
I remember "back in the day" when Samuelsson was competing. You had all these strong mfers and then Magnus. Whatever the other guys did, Magnus just relaxed, did what they did just twice as fast or twice as much. That was entertaining.
I remember "back in the day" when Samuelsson was competing. You had all these strong mfers and then Magnus. Whatever the other guys did, Magnus just relaxed, did what they did just twice as fast or twice as much. That was entertaining.

I love Magnus S. and think he doesn't get credited enough for his longevity in the sport. He still placed well in the 2004 events despite having come back from being plagued by injuries and aging.

Zydrunas has to be one of the most active strongmen ever. I can't open a Muscle Magazine that covers an event without seeing him, and I think that's great for the Sport. I think too many guys limit how much they compete and thus go under-the-radar to casual fans of strength athletics.

Though I still wished I could have seen Mark Henry compete in the Met-Rx events just because. Kaz said he thinks pound for pound Henry is possibly one of if not the strongest man/men walking the planet were he to buckle down and get serious. But I would have just loved to see him competing with guys like Samuelson/Zydrunas/Marius and all the others.
Yeah, I've heard more than one person make the same comment about Henry. More genetic ability than anybody they've ever seen, and absolutelly no work ethic.

And for my money, in any real "strongman" contest (no track and field with weights!) Savickas is the king.
Bergmanis, he's the one who always goes "poo poo" before every lift right? Has the pop-eye gimmick. It's tough for me to remember these days all the dang Europeans names and whatnot.

I agree though, Zydrunas is indeed the man. I always like that little grin he has, too. It's almost like he knows that if he's spot-on no one can really take him. Plus I've never really seen him screaming and straining and shit, he makes every lift look pretty easy when he completes them.

I think Mark Henry's biggest accomplishment in strength athletics was that he lifted the Thomas Inch dumbbell, he still competes occasionally, here's his latest exploit: Results.htm

That's the last time I've read about him competing. Too bad Zydrunas wasn't in that group, but Bergmanis was.
Juoko Ahoula is my favorite ... wasn't too big but strong as an ox!
The traditionally dominant Eastern Europeans need to watch out though. North America (yeah, for those of you who don't know Canada is as good or better at SM) is fielding some young bucks who will be trouble. Marunde being the most obvious, but Ostlund is young yet too, Jessen Paulin, my personal friend Jesse Snadden is strong as FUCK for 21, and of course the infamous VanHatfield.