Women being adorable and melting hearts

My buddy’s wife thought it was a good idea to put vegetable oil on the steaks I was grilling. The ensuing fire was enormous.
was expecting heart shaped boobs in this thread..

I'm hoping this thread is successful. Good luck. I can tell you that I've had many enchanting experiences with women.

Frolicking on beaches
Napping on hammocks
Dancing in the woods
Watching whales breach
Shooting stars
Getting cheered on from the stands

Yes, there has been heartbreak as well. No regrets. It's all been worth it.
You are a ray of sunshine in this bitter incel dungeon. Gorilla brothers 4 life (even tho I'm temporarily an orangutan)
Don't fear being loved. I know you are walking wounded and have failed romantically. Let the light of a woman in, one...last..time.
My gf is fine, her accent is nice and she's been even-tempered so far, but you still gotta keep an eye on these broads cause I've never even heard of one who didn't turn into Kathy Bates from Misery if things hit a rough patch. Women are affectionate, but not sentimental in the slightest.
Why does this shyte end up in P&M instead of the Wasteland???


haha. did she think she was in a chuck e. cheese or something?

excluding my own mother, it's kind of hard to think of an example. i guess i'll say this: when i was laid off from my first job out of college, one of my lady co-workers felt horrible that they let me go. when she found out, she immediately went to a nearby store, bought a greeting card, and wrote a very kind note about how much of a pleasure it was to work with me. shit almost brought me to tears. i'll never forget her for that. i hope she's living a wonderful life at the moment.
This one chick let me paint her face like my cock was Jackson Pollock last week. Was adorable.
You'll need to go, but he's on nights next week.

Yeah, women are wonderful. {<hhh]