Woman Drives for 900 Miles Instead of 90 Thanks to GPS Error

Bless her heart. She really wanted to do right by her friend. Also, there's clearly nothing in between her ears to bless, so it's really something of a forced hand.
Dementia is dementia, whether you get it through old age or hard sparring.
Maybe she was on drugs.
The good stuff.
Good god this post is perfect.
Destracted by what? Lack of a brain?
I had a professor in college that told us about getting lost on his way to visit his brother in Florida - he left the Dallas area and started heading east but didn't know exactly which way to go. At some point he ends up behind a car with a Florida license plate and decides that he'll just follow them, I mean they must be heading back to Florida right? Well, after reaching the white sandy beaches of Florida much sooner than expected he realized that he was in Biloxi, Mississippi

Picture a middle aged guy sitting around the house with a tin-foil hat on to protect his brain waves from being intercepted by the CIA/aliens/neighbors dog and you'll get a pretty good idea of this guy. Needless to say I didn't learn jack shit in this guys class, but it was pretty entertaining at times
The most wtf part is that probably she stopped 2 times at gas station without notice anything
How would she not think - "Jeez, this hour and a half journey doesn't usually take 4 days".
If she was really that dissociated, she's lucky she didn't kill anybody.
"Woman Drives for 900 Miles Instead of 90 Thanks to Stupidity"
How the hell do you live in Belgium and not know where Brussels is? This is like somebody in San Diego trying to drive to Los Angeles and ending up in Chihuahua.