Movies Will Smith Names His Mt Rushmore of Actors

I like Will Smith in certain roles. But the abominations of the kids he created with that narcissist wife is really disturbing.
1. Jimmy Stewart
2. Robert DeNiro
3. DDL
4. Mel Gibson
5. Denzel Washington
A friend of mine is the gey for Tom Hanks. I challenged him but had a hard time making my case, his career is full of great movies. Penn, DiCaprio and Pitt are 3 great actors I want to hate but watch and love their movies. Will Smith plays Will Smith. Soo....nah....nah he makes brainless schlock, some are entertaining but none are great because of him


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1. Clint Eastwood
2. Morgan Freeman
3. Gene Hackman
Gary Oldman
Gary Oldman
Gary Oldman
Gary Oldman

Bc he spits hot fire