Opinion Will Biden stop fracking and the destruction of our environment?

Carbon emissions in the USA went down during the Trump administration. Is there so other "environmental" issue you were talking about?

Probably related to ground water pollution that fracking has been linked too.
Nope. Biden is a safety stop from a second Trump term, but may also just amount to fascist edging until a more capable autocrat steps up and swallows the cult's red pill.
Trump is going to fuck up the arctic wildlife reserve before being dragged out of the WH. The us is going to become a polluted shithole. Every american already pollutes as much as 3-4 chinese.

US is doomed. Half this thread or more says clean energy is worse than oil and gas in regards to pollution
Nah. He already Put DuPont Lobbyists in his Administration.
Yep. I saw that too. Will citi select the cabinet this time too, and will he prosecute the whistler blower like Obama did?
US is doomed. Half this thread or more says clean energy is worse than oil and gas in regards to pollution

To be fair they are simply a product of what they have been told. The fossil fuel industry has 100s of trillions at risk and has been perfectly willing to spend a little getting politicians and the public to believe their bullshit.

That said I do love the ones who think following the money leads to scientists bullshiting for a couple of million in grants. Its a special breed of special.
Republicans still talk shit today about how Ted Cruz cucked to Trump is 2016.

Cruz is a cuckhold-amateur compared to Bernie.

Cucked in 2016, endorsed Hillary with no preconditions.
Cucked in 2020, endorsed Biden with no preconditions.

At least Cruz and Trump had many of the same policies, principles, and shared voter bases. Bernie had VERY little in common with Hillary and Biden in principle.


He wasn’t “cucking”

He was endorsing the idea of Trump losing the election

He wasn’t “cucking”

He was endorsing the idea of Trump losing the election

I'm speaking about the public perception. It made him look VERY weak when he endorsed Trump.

I actually like Cruz, but he made a lot of BAD mistakes throughout that campaign and its a guarantee he learned from them. He's going to run again in 2024, but the reason why he endorsed Trump is because it was believed Trump was going to lose either way but it would have been blamed on Cruz for not endorsing him.

That way the Democrats and media would have taken Cruz out of the running to ever be President.

It was a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. But Cruz still looked like a cuck.
To be fair they are simply a product of what they have been told. The fossil fuel industry has 100s of trillions at risk and has been perfectly willing to spend a little getting politicians and the public to believe their bullshit.

That said I do love the ones who think following the money leads to scientists bullshiting for a couple of million in grants. Its a special breed of special.

Trump did a lot of good but this rabid climate change denial and being pro coal is hilarious and stupid
Trump is going to fuck up the arctic wildlife reserve before being dragged out of the WH. The us is going to become a polluted shithole. Every american already pollutes as much as 3-4 chinese.

Would love to know what you're basing this on. Last I checked there more than one form of pollution and China does plenty.
Australia did that years ago (export terminals).

Drove up local gas prices considerably. They wrote long term supply contracts with Japan to secure the build funding, now Japan gets our gas cheaper than we do. They hadn't accounted for farmers being unwilling to polute their land for a short term profit.

Gas has a place as firming for renewables but its construction costs make it unviable. No public company is willing to spend billions on a new base load plant that takes 20-30 years to break even.
The only option is government Underwriting or guarantee.

The construction costs in Australia make it unviable. Gorgon finally capped at 30 billion. Venture Global, Magnolia, etc are far below price of any export terminal in Australia because of the huge difference in labor and material costs.
Trump is going to fuck up the arctic wildlife reserve before being dragged out of the WH. The us is going to become a polluted shithole. Every american already pollutes as much as 3-4 chinese.
absolute misinformation. have you seen just how bad the smog is in chinese cities? https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Internat...ents-suffering-airpocalypse/story?id=44329107

you literally can’t see where you’re going due to smog levels. it’s like a closed smoker room lol.

He won't ban it, but he should reign it in. The flaring is the pressing issue imo. Just rediculous what state and federal regulators allow burned and vented into the atmosphere.

Ideally the gas is captured and sent for processing somewhere else. This requires infrastructure though, the most economical option may be to store it underground, but that has its own risks.
Co2 emissions pr capita.

Once against there are plenty of other pollutants. China pollutes many times more in the production per kilogram of steel than the USA, and produces much more steel. It's amazing how apparently after CO2 became a concern all other pollutants somehow aren't even considered.
To be fair they are simply a product of what they have been told. The fossil fuel industry has 100s of trillions at risk and has been perfectly willing to spend a little getting politicians and the public to believe their bullshit.

That said I do love the ones who think following the money leads to scientists bullshiting for a couple of million in grants. Its a special breed of special.
We are heavily propagandized on everything when there is trillions of cash on the line. War and energy are the two big ones. And even when we don't buy it, like millions in the streets protesting iraq war, bought and sold politicians will say FU. We should be 100% nuke (75 yr old tech) and charging ~80% EVs (100 yr old tech) by now leading the world with near zero emissions. But too many hands in the pot keeping things as is.
In 8 years of Obama / Biden fracking wasn't halted. Gas production actually INCREASED while Biden was VP. You think ole "Corporate Joe" is going to get tough on this industry now? Sure. Right after he goes against big tobacco or pharma or health insurance industry or any other group he's been a friend to during his nearly 50 years as a politician.

Keep dreaming kids. Uncle Joe was bought and paid for years ago. He'll do whatever the purse string holders tell him to.