Opinion Will Biden stop fracking and the destruction of our environment?

One thing that will be annoying decades down the road is the folks who were calling for radically quick stops to fossil fuels will act like they were on the winning side of things when in reality, they would’ve completely tanked things if they had managed the plan and timeline. Natural gas has been a crazy fortunate opportunity for the US in address energy and to just shit on it over ideology is pretty foolish imo.

Yea, I still think nuclear needs to be a large part of a transition and possibly the end point. Something like France has possibly. There’s way more I need to look into on the subject but from what I’ve seen, solar/wind don’t come close to completing the needs we’d have for energy.

He’s being sarcastic, at least I think he is.
France is 90% nuclear. Solar is an environmental catastrophe. Makes 300x more toxic waste then NUCLEAR and land use issues. Wind is even worse. Kills millions of birds and bats in addition to solar problems. Then they have down time - which is why gas and coal companies loveand push tose renewables instead of nuclear, which would shut them all down.
We couldn’t stop it if we wanted to honestly. A large portion of our power gen comes from Natural gas and we’ve green lit numerous multi-billion dollar export terminals in Texas/Louisiana.

I don’t know how feasible it would be but I’d imagine it’s very counter intuitive to even what they want. I can’t see Biden even considering a fracking ban tbh.
France is 90% nuclear. Solar is an environmental catastrophe. Makes 300x more toxic waste then NUCLEAR and land use issues. Wind is even worse. Kills millions of birds and bats in addition to solar problems. Then they have down time - which is why gas and coal companies loveand push tose renewables instead of nuclear, which would shut them all down.

Yea, that’s the trade off liberals should reach in all this. You can drop emissions but it isn’t going to be through renewables. No large nation has shown a capability to do that and I think France has been the best model with nuclear even though get flack for it.
I don’t know how feasible it would be but I’d imagine it’s very counter intuitive to even what they want. I can’t see Biden even considering a fracking ban tbh.

Ya, there’s just too much industry invested. It would be like the too big to fail situation we had with banks in 2008.

Once we’ve develop hydrogen to power I think we will see a shift. We are probably 5-10 years out to mainstream adoption. I know GE is building its first unit in Australia.
Yea, that’s the trade off liberals should reach in all this. You can drop emissions but it isn’t going to be through renewables. No large nation has shown a capability to do that and I think France has been the best model with nuclear even though get flack for it.
The only reason we are not like France is follow the money (selling panels, wind farms and coal/gas plants) and ignorant virtue signaling by left who's mind was co-opted by the former. Again. thankfully prominent environmentalists are coming around - even the god father of global warming Jim Hanson is pro nuclear now.
Ok let me take my troll hat off for the rest of this thread.

One benefit to trash neoliberal corporate whore Biden winning is the left is more progressive than ever. And will put pressure on Biden to end fracking.

What gives you the impression that a Biden Presidency will be 'more progressive?'

He's a big business whore, as he's proven to be for nearly the past half century as a politician. The vast majority of his campaign donations were from Wallstreet in the last few months of his campaign, most of his announced cabinet have been special interest lobbyists, and the progressives that helped him 'win' the election are being told 'thank you, now go away.'

Oh, and lets not forget, progressives already believed his statements on the campaign trail about ending fracking and voted for him over Trump.

Now Biden won, so what leverage do progressives have over him now? He's got everything he wants from you - your vote.

Two Obama quotes come to mind.

"Well, I won."
"Oh, that was just a campaign promise."

So, as a progressive, what are you going to do now? Support the Republican in 2024?
I live smack dab in the middle of a coal/fracking intersection. As much as I hate the greed, destruction, culture and big trucks, these industries keep some areas afloat. What does he propose as an alternative industry and jobs for these areas?
*Solar panels

Solar panels are inefficient in this part of the country. Windmills don’t generate enough to replace coal and gas and who is going to teach coal miners how to code when they couldn’t go to college in the first place due to growing up poor
Ok let me take my troll hat off for the rest of this thread.

What gives you the impression that a Biden Presidency will be 'more progressive?'

He's a big business whore, as he's proven to be for nearly the past half century as a politician. The vast majority of his campaign donations were from Wallstreet in the last few months of his campaign, most of his announced cabinet have been special interest lobbyists, and the progressives that helped him 'win' the election are being told 'thank you, now go away.'

Oh, and lets not forget, progressives already believed his statements on the campaign trail about ending fracking and voted for him over Trump.

Now Biden won, so what leverage do progressives have over him now? He's got everything he wants from you - your vote.

Two Obama quotes come to mind.

"Well, I won."
"Oh, that was just a campaign promise."

So, as a progressive, what are you going to do now? Support the Republican in 2024?

Worse are the sell-out sheepdog progressives who demanded absolutely nothing for their endorsements. Sheepdog bernie coulda threatened a third party without becoming VP. But nah, got in the back of line, with full support after they treated him like sh!t.

He even started parroting Trump Russian Asset lines after DNC calls him one. What a pu$$y.
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Worse are the sell-out sheepdog progressives who demanded absolutely nothing for their endorsements. Sheepdog bernie coulda threatened a third party without becoming VP. But nah, got in the back of line, with full support after they treated him like sh!t.

Republicans still talk shit today about how Ted Cruz cucked to Trump is 2016.

Cruz is a cuckhold-amateur compared to Bernie.

Cucked in 2016, endorsed Hillary with no preconditions.
Cucked in 2020, endorsed Biden with no preconditions.

At least Cruz and Trump had many of the same policies, principles, and shared voter bases. Bernie had VERY little in common with Hillary and Biden in principle.
I live smack dab in the middle of a coal/fracking intersection. As much as I hate the greed, destruction, culture and big trucks, these industries keep some areas afloat. What does he propose as an alternative industry and jobs for these areas?

Seems like an ask to stop progress because it hurts old industry. The likely replacement where green energy is not viable is nuclear power. There should be an effort to retrain people, but the new industries just won't support as many people.
One benefit to trash neoliberal corporate whore Biden winning is the left is more progressive than ever. And will put pressure on Biden to end fracking.

A republican president would not even entertain carring about the environment. Biden wont deregulate or appoint climate change denialists and lobbyists for the oil and gas industry to destroy the departments they lead.

He said repeatedly he would not ban fracking
Yeah, lobbyists will have no say in a quid pro Joe administration.


Make middle eastern energy dependence great again!

You are reading from Trump playbook of lies and misleading claims.

From Forbes

President Obama’s Support For America’s Shale Oil And Natural Gas

Lest we forget that the great U.S. shale oil and natural gas revolution started around 2008, right when Barack Obama took office for the first of his two terms as U.S. President. As seen in the figure below, the uptick in gas production and usage under his watch was immense. And really out of nowhere the U.S. is the largest oil and gas producer ever. Emerging as the world’s go-to fuel, from 2008-2016, gas increased its share of U.S. power generation – its main sector for use – from 21% to 33%, mostly at the expense of coal.

· Under President Obama, U.S. gas production increased 35%.

· Under President Obama, U.S. gas consumption increased 19%.

· Under President Obama, U.S. crude oil production increased 80%.



The U.S. was pumping just 5.1 million barrels per day when Obama took office in January 2009, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Fast forward to April and the U.S. produced 8.9 million barrels per day. That's an incredible 74% increase. In fact, in 2015, the U.S. pumped the most oil in 43 years.

I lmao at OP's post.
Biden and democrats being ecologists now.

They're never gonna do jack shit.
Not for ethnic minorities.
Not for the environments.
Not against gun circulation.
Foreign policy will be more neocon than ever.

Gonna be fun watching Democrat base react to all this.
Biden during his entire presidency will be like:
I lmao at OP's post.
Biden and democrats being ecologists now.

They're never gonna do jack shit.
Not for ethnic minorities.
Not for the environments.
Not against gun circulation.
Foreign policy will be more neocon than ever.

Gonna be fun watching Democrat base react to all this.
Biden during his entire presidency will be like:

Sure, they'll do some low hanging fruit like guns and some aid to minorities costs them nothing to throw those bones. What they won't do is piss of their donors. Biden especially will never cross his donor-masters and his cabinet that is already awash with a cesspool of corporate parasites and neo-cons.
It doesn't matter.

Republicans still talk shit today about how Ted Cruz cucked to Trump is 2016.

Cruz is a cuckhold-amateur compared to Bernie.

Cucked in 2016, endorsed Hillary with no preconditions.
Cucked in 2020, endorsed Biden with no preconditions.

At least Cruz and Trump had many of the same policies, principles, and shared voter bases. Bernie had VERY little in common with Hillary and Biden in principle.
As I said Bernie is worse than a cuck. You can't be a cuck if you're in on the operation, which is, sheepdoggin leftists into democratic party rather than sit at home or vote green. He's probably the slimiest Democrat of all, trotting out every 4 years with his fake (I) label and then proposes nothing while in the Senate and votes for nearly every neo-liberal proposal. Where was Bernie's M4A proposal in early 2009 when Obama was just elected with a groundswell of support, the Democrats controlled the House of Reps and had a filibuster-proof Senate? Nowhere.

Like he's been nowhere for 30+ years.
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Seems like an ask to stop progress because it hurts old industry. The likely replacement where green energy is not viable is nuclear power. There should be an effort to retrain people, but the new industries just won't support as many people.

And that is the problem, as well as if the newer power sources came here, they would likely bring their own workers like fracking did. It was supposed to bring a ton of new jobs but it just brought people from other areas that were already in the industry with few spots for locals. I don’t like the oil and coal industries as stated, but I don’t want to see those jobs go with no replacement and the area dies
Carbon emissions in the USA went down during the Trump administration. Is there so other "environmental" issue you were talking about?