Wife and Mom tension

THE Red Beard

FCF Enforcer
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
So...quick caveat as there is always somebody that says this is a WR topic, but this isn't about what side you are on politically.

My mom and dad came up to visit the wife and I today. We were having a great day; got lunch, chatted for a few hours, hung at our house with our pup. Everything was going great until...we were headed over to a home and garden shop near my house and at the main intersection was a large group of Trump supporters with flags, yelling at the cars causing them to honk and cheer.

Like the rest of the country, NH is split pretty close to 50/50...maybe a little more Democrat but depends on where you are. So my wife and I were both raised Democrat and we still share many (not all of those values) but that isn't the point of this. My mom in the backseat starts cheering! Telling me to honk at them...knowing the wife and I are not huge supporters. We aren't liberals but that is how things apparently get divided lol.

My wife was quiet and respectful and my dad diffused the tension as best as he could. The damage was done. Idk what the hell to do as my wife has been quiet all night and felt disrespected...and I agree with her. That's my mom though so wtf...I'm stuck here.

Cliffs: Mom is a die hard Trump fan, wife is a Democrat and Mom cheered at Trump supporters in my car which angered my wife...more hurt than angered. Now idk how to proceed.

Double cliffs: Fuck all of this political bullshit I don't even care about any of it. Go away the lot of them!

Triple cliffs: <1> Me right now.
Looks like it's time to have "The Talk" with your mom. Clearly she's gone mad. Explain to her calmly that the fat fucking idiot in the White House does not care about her, her finances or her health. Delete her Q Anon Facebook group and block her from all social networks until she has regained her sanity.
Seems pretty obvious. Divorce your wife

Looks like it's time to have "The Talk" with your mom. Clearly she's gone mad. Explain to her calmly that the fat fucking idiot in the White House does not care about her, her finances or her health. Delete her Q Anon Facebook group and block her from all social networks until she has regained her sanity.

You know what's crazy to me? She doesn't even have social media. She watches Fox News religiously. To be honest, I don't get how you could like ANY politician. If you are a fan of a particular one I just don't think we'd get along in general. It's horse shit to me lol.
Looks like it's time to have "The Talk" with your mom. Clearly she's gone mad. Explain to her calmly that the fat fucking idiot in the White House does not care about her, her finances or her health. Delete her Q Anon Facebook group and block her from all social networks until she has regained her sanity.

We need to do this with my wife's mom. She's gotten pretty wacky since retirement.
I hate political talk with people in person most times especially between family friends & what not. Religion talk too I try to stay away from

Normally we steer clear of those things but my mom went off and it bothered the wife big time. I was bothered she did what she did and what was her goal of all that? In no scenario could that have ended well haha.
For a man a good mom is the only saint and woman you can ever trust and one who will by and large always support you.

A wife can go at the snap of a finger.

Just remember that

I'd never disrespect my mom and neither would my wife. I do find it odd my mom found that to be appropriate though. Idk if I just leave it be or discuss it. I don't want to hurt my mom's feelings. If she knew it bothered my wife I think she'd be upset.
I like your mom more than your wife. Tell her to get over it, people are allowed to have opposing political beliefs. Your mom did nothing disrespectful.

It isn't the opposing political views. It's the idea that if a group of Biden supporters were in the intersection my wife wouldn't have cheered knowing my mother doesn't share her beliefs. It isn't sports lol Jesus man.
Wife's Mother... Older Filipina Woman... would come over and constantly nag me about taking care of my son (Different cultures) and try to take him from me.

"Give... Give him." was the go to whenever my son started getting fussy.

I put up with this for about five times, then told her to go fuck herself. She's never spoken to me again, but she also never comes over and I don't have to deal with it anymore. I'm not saying go hard in the paint like I did, but rather allow the situation to determine your level of response. She's purposely disrespecting you, and if you let it happen, it will continue to happen.

The amount of satisfaction I got from seeing that old bag recoil in horror at my words will make me smirk for the next thousand years.