Why does she never text me first?

Have I fucked your girlfriend or something? Who did bite you ma' man? You sound angry. Perhaps it's you who's having problems?

Anyway I really appreciate posts I already liked. Some great opinions.

No message from her yet. Still waiting and probably die waiting. I guess I have to accept the L.
TS that girl is banging a Khabib fan

She ain't got not time for losers that idolized Dildo Danis.
Yea, but if they aren't interested then I don't think they would even be around.
If I'm not interested in a girl, I won't even talk to her unless its like at work or something but im never gonna text her or try to hang with her or anything of that nature, and I think the same goes with women.
If you're around a woman or shes always talking to you, it means that she has enough interest to keep you around incase something else goes awry

And that's what makes you as a guy different from most women. Women love to talk about anything and everything, to whoever is willing to listen. And they love getting guys perspectives on things. And very often aren't interested in the guy at all beyond as somebody to have casual conversation with.
She probably wants you to put in the effort and show you can be assertive.
Gicve her the cold shoulder for a week or so. If she hasnt texted you in that week she isn't interested.
Never fails

Okay some clarification for you all.

She is 22 and lives with her mother. The girl and her mother have money problems but she never asked me money or help at all. She is not a gold digger or a whore.

Don't call me a pussy..I straight asked the girl out few weeks ago. She said she "can't" then I asked why and she said "I have to sort my life out" or something like that. I'v tried to call her out around the corner since then at least two or three times but she never gives me a straight answer. She lives in the same area and meeting wouldn't cost anything.

I really like her and don't want to lose her. Sure I have other options too but she is my first pick right now.

Maybe some girls aren't confident enough to start texting? That's my last hope

If she is not interested I would expect boring one or two answer words but no we have long conversations. It's been 12 hours since we last spoke. I'm gonna give her a chance to initiate this time. Let's see how this plays out. I feel like I have done everything I could.
She's not interested in you mate. Just uses you as a girlfriend to talk to. No one in the history of fucking actually meant it when they say they can't date you because they need to get their life straight. If a girln was in to you and she had a leperous mom, cancer, and her leg on fire, she would still go out with you.
She's not interested in you romantically at this point. You're just a cool person to text to and have a laugh here and there. If you just like doing this kind of thing with her than by all means continue texting her.

But if your reaching for more, completely stop texting her. If she finally texts you first than you know she's definitely interested in you. And than proceed from there.
Because she doesn’t want to go shopping.
Send dick pics. Her reaction would dictate to pursue or abandon the chase.
You forgot to tell him to squeeze it while erect might get an extra 1/2 and it’ll turn a neat purple colour.
Take it from me bro, if she aint enthusiastic about being with you, it just isnt worth it. If she really liked you the way you want a girl to like you, she wouldve been more attainable. you deserve someone who is passionate.
i like how ts is worried aobut some bitch he never met not texting him back within 12 hours, seems like a pretty solid relationship lol
I straight asked the girl out few weeks ago. She said she "can't" then I asked why and she said "I have to sort my life out"
I’d say let this one go. Who can’t hang out for a couple of hours because their life is not sorted out?

That doesn't make sense.
I have known this girl for few months now. We got to know each other accidentally through Facebook. I have never met her irl but she has seen pics of me. When I text her first we always have long interesting funny conversations but what bothers me is that she never texts me first. What to think of it? Should I move on?


Okay some clarification for you all.

She is 22 and lives with her mother. The girl and her mother have money problems but she never asked me money or help at all. She is not a gold digger or a whore.

Don't call me a pussy..I straight asked the girl out few weeks ago. She said she "can't" then I asked why and she said "I have to sort my life out" or something like that. I'v tried to call her out around the corner since then at least two or three times but she never gives me a straight answer. She lives in the same area and meeting wouldn't cost anything.

I really like her and don't want to lose her. Sure I have other options too but she is my first pick right now.

Maybe some girls aren't confident enough to start texting? That's my last hope

If she is not interested I would expect boring one or two answer words but no we have long conversations. It's been 12 hours since we last spoke. I'm gonna give her a chance to initiate this time. Let's see how this plays out. I feel like I have done everything I could.

It's been 12 hours? You're freaking out because she hasn't messaged you in 12 hours? She is not interested. You are obviously coming on to strong and she senses that you are needy. Talk to other girls. Don't be so fucking needy because it turns girls off faster than anything.
I'm talking to a chick way out of my league right now who's playing with the L word, and I've been super assertive about my interest. Sometimes hard to get isnt the way to go. But then again, I did shut her down in public once, so maybe I dont have to after that?

Anyway, the point of that is hard to get is t always the right option. Sometimes it's an abundance of vulnerability and confidence. The more mentally stable she is, the less "you can't have me" works. So don't necessarily listen to the pimps of the years on here giving advice.

But yeah I sincerely double down on the notion of sending a dick pic and a gay little message like, thinking of you. If she's interested it will work. If it doesn't, she isn't. But then who gives a fuck, at least you know and you struck out swinging.

No one ever walks their way to home. They need RBIs from friends or they have to steal home(rufees). Don't bother with a walk.