Why does Nintendo suck now?

Aegon Spengler

Steel Belt
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Give your top 10 reasons why Nintendo went from being the hands down best gaming company ever (from NEW to N64 they were the best ever) and now they've fallen into almost complete irrelevance?

Wiiu, lol. Nobody is going to buy that piece of shit just like everyone who bought the wii sold it or lost interest in it.

What happened!!!???

They went from being innovative and fun to being innovative-but-boring/awful.

I used to love getting Nintendo stuff for Christmas when I was a kid. Now Nintendo just blows.
dont know what you are talking about. Wii U launch was pretty descent , and its just the start of it. Lets see if there is descent 3. party support in the future.

Nintendo still have some of the best exclusives.
Wrong forum brah.

But to answer your question, you most likely just outgrew nintendo and are looking for a more "mature" "serious" approach on games. Nintendo focuses on games and series' for all ages. They cater to everyone in the family while someone like microsoft caters to the pimply teen with the halo series.
Old school Nintendo was the shit.

too much E rated titles. They are not going toe 2 toe with the other consoles in terms of graphs and power. Snes was a beast of a console back in the day, only the ps1 out powered it and as soon as that happened the n64 came up and did shit all over the ps1 in terms of power and graphics. They did ok with the gamecube though they should have came up with more and better games.... and a better controller. They totally fucked up with the wii though, that's where they lost me as a fan. Horrendous graphics and titles. They need to wake the fuck up and realize that they need to come up with a monster console with all kinds of games(mostly m), screw the kids, they play mature games anyway(my 6 year old nephew is obsessed with bioshock). That's how you go toe 2 toe with xbox and playstation.
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nintendo's demo was always little kids. wii outsold the shit out of ps3 and xbox, so you cant really say they're falling on their face.
My opinion on Nintendo is that they are pioneers they also created lots of new concepts that other firms took advantage of and developed.
1.first decent handled system
2.first analog stick
3.first motion play (wii)
personally I have a collection of consoles,I prefer sony but I respect intendo for the hard work.
recently they had to focus on kids to sale their stuff,so I think that's what most people dislike about them, but they had to do to survive.
I know what you mean TS.

By instance, Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition would have been a Nintendo game. The same for all those time consuming games released on 360/PS3. Those kind of games used to be on SNES (RPGs, action-adventure games, fighting games, licensed sport + racing games etc..)

Now Nintendo is about this :

They're going down because

1. They haven't adapted with the times. Consoles no longer only focus on just gaming, people prefer a multimedia function to go along with it for the convenience and bang for the buck reasons..(blu ray, blu tooth, dvd, webbrowsing etc.)

2. Smartphones such as the Galaxy, Iphone LG etc are already capable of handheld gaming, so thats entering Nintendo's territory of the gameboy.

3. As mentioned, the trend is heading towards tablet, and smartphones. It's not only nintendo affected by this, but the beloved PC gaming industry as well :icon_cry2 (as I'm a pc gamer)

4. Xbox, Ps3...and next generation of those consoles (and Samsung rumored to move into this sector as well, they already have in their T.V.s)...Enough said. That would be the death of Nintendo as a serious contender..
I know what you mean TS.

By instance, Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition would have been a Nintendo game. The same for all those time consuming games released on 360/PS3. Those kind of games used to be on SNES (RPGs, action-adventure games, fighting games, licensed sport + racing games etc..)

Now Nintendo is about this :

aint gonna lie i saw down her shirt first
They went after a different segment of the market. Instead of being the best they became a company that makes products aimed towards kids, trendy women, and old people. Not insulting them, it's just what happened. And they have been successful doing it.
They've abandoned traditional gaming for gimmicky horseshit.
Same here TS. I used to love Nintendo. I still have NES to Gamecube and never even bothered with the Wii. I'll play all my old games any day over the shit Nintento is putting out these days.
They're mostly marketing towards kids. I see Nintendo as a kid thing and xbox and ps towards more adults
They're mostly marketing towards kids. I see Nintendo as a kid thing and xbox and ps towards more adults

Also this. They won't get with the times. I know they can't make some of their classic lines into adult games but they can release new games for adults. Also, I hate the whole motion sensor gaming shit. It's not cool or fun, it's annoying. Give me a traditional control.
Also this. They won't get with the times. I know they can't make some of their classic lines into adult games but they can release new games for adults. Also, I hate the whole motion sensor gaming shit. It's not cool or fun, it's annoying. Give me a traditional control.

someone's gotta make games for kids tho.