Meanwhile still to this day not a single instance of Aspinall being a proven sell and sherdog full of sniveling bitches. I wonder why this fight isn’t going down Jones hasn’t been stripped and you’re still a sniveling bitch on the matter? Could it be youre fucking stupid? I dunno boss you tell me?
Lol, weak man.
You keep regurgitating the same shit over and over because you have no real arguments bro. Tom deserves the shot, your boy is doing everything he can to duck any real opponents and you know it.
Jon ducked Francis and he's absolutely ducking Tom. You see it, and you know it it's true, that's why you can't let this go. Tom's living rent-free in your head too, lol. Apparently you are as scared of Jon losing as he is.
Most fighters are exactly that... fighters. They aren't Youtubers or social media darlings. They come to do a job, get paid and go home. It is entirely the responsibility of the UFC to market and promote the fight. I am sorry this is difficult concept for you to grab, I am sure it will eventually sink in.
Btw, if YOU'RE going to call someone stupid, perhaps you might want to use proper grammar. Mr. Amos, you're a joke and a fairweather fan. If the roles were revesrsed, and it was Tom trying to freeze Jon out, you'd be screaming about how unfair it is to poor old Jonny.
You're a pathetic excuse for a "fan", bro. Stick to wrestling, you understand that. Now hurry along, the short bus has been waiting to pick you up... boss.