Why did Rountree get the title shot over Krylov and Oezdemir?

Putting aside Dana's BS excuse about scheduling being the reason Ankalaev isn't getting the title shot. Both Volkan and Krylov are on win streaks and ranked above Rountree. They passed over 3 more legitimate contenders to make this matchup. Why?

It's been 17 months since Krylov's last fight and there's no indication he's able to fight now either, much less at short notice?

I think it's pretty obvious why he was passed over? He's inactive!
Putting aside Dana's BS excuse about scheduling being the reason Ankalaev isn't getting the title shot. Both Volkan and Krylov are on win streaks and ranked above Rountree. They passed over 3 more legitimate contenders to make this matchup. Why?
Khalil hasn't even made one single takedown attempt in his entire UFC career.
Dana's UFC stands for U don't Fucking matter so shut the fuck up and dance Championship
Krylov probably should be higher, but he's been inactive. He hasn't even fought this year or scheduled a fight in 2024. Not to mention Rountree has matched up better with kickboxers and has a more fan friendly style. Oezdemir same thing, but even less active and already lost his title shot.
It's definitely a legitimate question why Krylov was passed over.

Oezdemir on the other hand has legal problems preventing him from fighting in the US, he hasn't fought in the country since 2018.
Krylov is not very active
Why do people constantly expect logic and meritocracy from the UFC only to disappoint and infuriate themselves?
Right so I don't get why people are up in arms, both options suck. Alex is an active champ and this is what happens when someone is running through a division.
Not sure if you are being obtuse or what but how is it so hard to get?
Maybe you are being defensive of Alex?
I don't think Alex is afraid of Ank and I don't think he is Ducking and most seem quite clear that this is a case of the UFC protecting him.
The UFC booked Ank for UFC 308 and then booked Alex for UFC 307 against a PERFECT style match up. That booking isn't last minute save a card match making like Anderson vs Iving. If we are going by MERIT Rountree isn't in title contention.
Rountree is a relatively marketable American fighter. So if he happens to upset their golden goose there isnt so much of a downside to it.
Oezdimir has legal limitations. Krylov dosent speak English, had been mia for a bit, and isn't interesting to sell to a casual audience. Especially once people catch wind of his stance over between Ukraine and Russia(not saying he's right or wrong on it, I don't live there so can't comment on the decades long history between those countries but it would absolutely become a talking point around him if he's main eventing). Khalil however is a likable dude, recently active beating a name known opponent. And has the style match up they want to promote for this fight. Can definitely argue the meritocracy of the shot, but it's easy to see why they settled on Khalil.
Not sure if you are being obtuse or what but how is it so hard to get?
Maybe you are being defensive of Alex?
I don't think Alex is afraid of Ank and I don't think he is Ducking and most seem quite clear that this is a case of the UFC protecting him.
The UFC booked Ank for UFC 308 and then booked Alex for UFC 307 against a PERFECT style match up. That booking isn't last minute save a card match making like Anderson vs Iving. If we are going by MERIT Rountree isn't in title contention.
I just don't see Ank not getting the shot as some super egregious thing. Some people think he's a bad stylistic matchup for the champ and.... that's it. In the last few years he's had a draw with jan and took two attempts to get 1 win over Walker and is lucky to not be 1-1. Wow, what a huge black mark on the sport if he doesn't immediately get a shot.

I've been watching a long time, guys have done far more and never got a shot. And he's most likely next, if he gets by Rakic. People act like it's some huge insult for him to have to take another fight, and it isn't at least to me.
Rountree is tailor made for Pereira, why over think it.
Putting aside Dana's BS excuse about scheduling being the reason Ankalaev isn't getting the title shot. Both Volkan and Krylov are on win streaks and ranked above Rountree. They passed over 3 more legitimate contenders to make this matchup. Why?
Because the UFC does what they want with zero thought about rankings and or meritocracy.

There will never be any rhyme or reason for what they do sir.
I just don't see Ank not getting the shot as some super egregious thing. Some people think he's a bad stylistic matchup for the champ and.... that's it. In the last few years he's had a draw with jan and took two attempts to get 1 win over Walker and is lucky to not be 1-1. Wow, what a huge black mark on the sport if he doesn't immediately get a shot.

I've been watching a long time, guys have done far more and never got a shot. And he's most likely next, if he gets by Rakic. People act like it's some huge insult for him to have to take another fight, and it isn't at least to me.
Its not just Ank getting booked to fight AFTER Alex fights but before Alex was booked. Its the timing of that combined with the #8 ranked contender being a perfect style match up and cherry picked. Why not Jan? Why not Hill? Why Rountree?

He has a 5 fight win streak going but over non ranked guys. Never beat anyone in the top 10. Closest to a top 10 win was Anthony Smith and Lost to Marcin Prachino, Walker, Cutelaba, Andrew Sanchez, Tyson Pedro and Cory Hendricks (on TUF)

Ank was deliberately made unavailable and then the weakest threat as a "Contender" was immediately booked to fight Alex. The UFC is absolutely protecting Alex. Ank is 100% on paper the biggest threat to Pereira. I am not saying Ank beats him. In fact I think its a test Alex would rise up to meet and I am personally sad that we aren't seeing that fight and instead we will see Alex KO Rountree in a complete "Gimmie".
Its not just Ank getting booked to fight AFTER Alex fights but before Alex was booked. Its the timing of that combined with the #8 ranked contender being a perfect style match up and cherry picked. Why not Jan? Why not Hill? Why Rountree?

He has a 5 fight win streak going but over non ranked guys. Never beat anyone in the top 10. Closest to a top 10 win was Anthony Smith and Lost to Marcin Prachino, Walker, Cutelaba, Andrew Sanchez, Tyson Pedro and Cory Hendricks (on TUF)

Ank was deliberately made unavailable and then the weakest threat as a "Contender" was immediately booked to fight Alex. The UFC is absolutely protecting Alex. Ank is 100% on paper the biggest threat to Pereira. I am not saying Ank beats him. In fact I think its a test Alex would rise up to meet and I am personally sad that we aren't seeing that fight and instead we will see Alex KO Rountree in a complete "Gimmie".
Why not Jan or Hill? Two guys he already beat, and Hill was recent. The fact that your alternative options are this weak kinda reinforces my overall point that there’s not a strong contender right now so it’s all a wash.

The “strongest” option is a guy with a draw, a nc, and a win in his last 3. That’s a super weak argument for title contention. Not a big deal if someone with that weak of a claim has to do more. Is the promotion meddling and interfering with matchmaking? Yes, sure, but this is hardly the most egregious example of it.
Why do people constantly expect logic and meritocracy from the UFC only to disappoint and infuriate themselves?
It’s the weirdest thing lol. I started watching in 2007, and by 2008 it was very clear they only care about money. Waaaay back with Brock. They dgaf about rankings or merit or legacy. FFS they are barely smart enough to market those things to the portion of their fanbase that DO care about them.

It’s hard to get worked up when the situation is “they’re gonna make this guy nobody likes that hasn’t done much get more wins”

Well yeah no shit, of course they are lmao. They’ve made guys get double digit win streaks to even sniff a shot. Let’s stop with this melodramatic take that skipping an unmarketable guy that’s 1-1-1 in his last 3 is the craziest thing ever. It’s not. They’ve skipped far more deserving fighters for shots, and sometimes even fighters fans care about!