Who was the smartest man ever?

Being an intellectual myself I wanted to know who else do you guys consider to be the smartest man to ever lived in history? Was it Albert? Newton? Aristotle? The guy who invented String theory, or the god particle? Or someone else?
Turing, Oppenheimer
When Einstein was asked, “How does it feel to be the smartest man alive?”, he replied, “I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask Nikola Tesla.”

The fooker meant that as a jest, but he was never closer to the truth!
Bernie Madoff. Dude stole 500 Billion dollars.
Joey Buttafuoco. I don’t know how he convinced Mary-Jo to stay with him after the whole Amy Fisher thing, but that took some serious cunning.
Google has failed me. Maybe Sherdog knows. Who is the fabled guy who traveled the world, studying every plant and ingesting poisonous stuff just to study and test the effects? He was like an ancient father of science, but not Greek.
Not sure who was smartest. But perhaps I will search "most intelligent"
Jesus Christ. He fooled the whole world into thinking he was God.

Jaden the Philosopher

Is this real?
I got to go with Tesla.

I honestly think the Gov covered up and continue to do cover up some of his insane breakthroughs...
Has anyone said DaVinci? That dude did everything and wasn't a one trick pony like alot of others. Artist, inventor, poet, scientist....ect ect
Being an intellectual myself I wanted to know who else do you guys consider to be the smartest man to ever lived in history? Was it Albert? Newton? Aristotle? The guy who invented String theory, or the god particle? Or someone else?

The Brain of Britain Lord Jonathan Sumption QC and Aristotle.