Economy White Privilege

Did you manage to fail thay badly at comprehending my post or do you actually think me discussing the matter with you will stop some violence.

The reason I saw no point in getting into it wasn't that I don't think there are big problems to solve, it's that I didn't see anything in you that made it seem like the discussion would be rewarding.
I simply 1. agreed not to pursue a discussion with you and 2. said my farewells by referring to the hand grenades being used in your country's gang-violence that to me is close M-E, as in Gaza.
Not my problem if it went over your head.
If the US was founded on free market principles, they wouldn't have had to exclude black people from being people in the constitution.

Sorry your understanding of American history is so bad that you make yourself look like a headass on a daily basis.
Oh boy, time for a history lesson.

5th amendment .... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Obviously that didn't included African Americans at the time. Most of them were considered property as thats how most of them entered the country, as the captive property of merhcants. Very cruel and sadistic by todays standards, but at the time people were considered property none the less. Property that couldn't taken from someone without due process of the law (the free market).

This contridiction in the constitution eventually lead to the civil war. As when the industrial revolution and market revolution occured, the ticket for entrepreneurs in the south was commerical farming, using slave labor, which morphed the south into an almost fuedal state.

Are you retarded?
None of their money filtered to me. Like oprah I had to start from scratch. And you are entitled to none of it.
How are you not getting that they are purposefully lying? It's a hostile attack and has been for years. They started the fight, they blame us for it and now expect to take everything from us.

It's the same shit people have done forever; villainize and dehumanize so they can rape and pillage guilt free.
How are you not getting that they are purposefully lying? It's a hostile attack and has been for years. They started the fight, they blame us for it and now expect to take everything from us.

It's the same shit people have done forever; villainize and dehumanize so they can rape and pillage guilt free.
It's more about being fucking failures at life and looking for scape goats. That's all this is.
This argument is so fucking dumb lmao.

If there are 10 coins on a table for both of us and I take 9 of them, I'm sure you'd be pretty upset. Guess when I die and hand 9 of those coins to my son, you can't be mad at your one coin because HE didn't do it...right?

This is what y'all don't understand about systemic racism, the systems you create don't go away when you decide that everything is equal on paper. And if people die and hand that shit down, they're still maintaining ownership of something that's been directly ripped away from someone else in their favor.

You cannot put your finger on the scale, monopolize a finite resource, and then act like your hands are tied when people rightfully point out that you put your finger on the scale and monopolized the resource. And due to the nature of wealth generation, much of that was finite. Land, resources, sociopolitical events, none of that stuff can be replicated.

So in short, that's a them problem. We don't let bank robbers pass their robbery funds to their children.

This post would make some sense if the majority of whites were well off, or possessed any intergenerational wealth.
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So which tribe you in? I shit on both of them and your little gif doesn't show what you're upset about :D
Unfortunately once someone has dug their feet in on the racist bit, no amount of reminding them of the facts. is going to move them.

I don't know this guy so maybe not him, but I personally in my life no mini people that are outraged about the Capitol building but they would have absolutely loved it had BLM got into the Capitol building in July and set a fire.

But of course at that moment the government represented Donald Trump to them. On January 6th the building represented hOpE aNd ChAnGe.
Can you imagine the carnage that would have happened and been supported had Trump got re-elected.

These pearl clutching racist lefties are a sight to behold.
I still don't have mine.

You've had white privilege your whole life, it's ok to make you wait until last so that others get a "fair" shot.

^PIL has been practicing for our new fascist leaders to shorten my reeducation.
I don't think there's going to be any policy that requires you to be a certain race to receive relief - though I welcome someone correcting me on this with specific policy documentation.

I watched the video. His comments are with regards to equal access and he is suggesting that minority groups and many small business owners don't have access to lawyers or accountants and thus may be unaware of the relief measures available. He is going to promote awareness of these relief measures in particular to those people.

Are white owned small businesses less connected to these resources than black and woman owned small businesses?

In many cases minority and women owned businesses already get preferential status when bidding for contacts and applying for loans so they're probably even more connected to resources than white owned small businesses.
I don't wanna get all next level here, but it's almost as if the real issue is Rich v Poor and always has been. But if the rich can convince the Proletariat to piss on each other along racial lines, then nobody pays attention while they steal everyone's wallet.

Nah. Too complicated. Must be racial.

Yeah, this is far too often overlooked. When you isolate the racial variable, it has far less effect than people think. Take a white kid with a single mother, no father figure, in the inner city and his "privilege" isn't going to help him any. Studies will show his level of success, education, etc all fall in line with anyone else in similar circumstances, statistically.

What absolutely blows a hole through the systemic racism thing is when you look at black immigrants coming to america. They aren't plagued by this so called systemic racism. Immigrants from Africa come to the states and are statistically incredibly successfully. Their situation is far worse than anyone in poverty in the states, yet they aren't as dramatically affected by it.