Social White Privilege Conference 2014

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If people are going to whine about "white privilege" then why aren't they complaining about Chinese Privilege in China or Korean Privilege in Korea? I go to South Korea annually and its the Korean people who have all the jobs and hold all the positions of power. The immigrants there generally have to struggle a lot more than anyone else. These people better start checking their privilege.

Also, the claims that only white people can be racist haven't witnessed how many Koreans, Japanese and Chinese absolutely HATE each other. Koreans living in Japan are treated like absolute shit. In China if you are not a Han Chinese then you are considered worthless.

The reality is that people have a tendency to pick sides and flock together. There have been experiments done in classrooms where students are separated into two groups by wearing red and blue T-Shirts. It doesn't take long before the students start grouping together with those of the same shirt color.

Another example is how people who are cheering for different teams treat each other at sporting events. People have even killed each other over being rival fans.

Uh, maybe because they don't live in Korea or China, they live in the US where white privilege is present and not Han privilege.
I agree, but I think you're leaving out the power dynamics. Apartheid south Africa is a great example of the minority having privilege. It's not necessarily numbers, it's power dynamics. I couldn't care less about ideological bullshit unless it is corrupting the system. The systemic disadvantages are where a demographic can get boned.
There are countries where a minority group is at a political disadvantage, subject to discrimination, and yet outperform the majority economically. It's actually pretty common, you can argue it happens here.

What really matters more than anything else to a group's performance is the cultural differences. If for one group its the norm to expect/demand good grades and college degrees from the kids, and another just doesn't, this is clearly gonna trump other factors.
Lmao what a fuckin joke. Hopefully they have a "thin privilege" conference. I spent a couple hours on this tumblr laughing at the bizarre bullshit that some weirdo fatties came up with. Of course I heard about it from here. I had to stop myself because I don't want to become sucked into all this shit and get obsessed with it like Atheist seems to be.

Bottom line, these people from this conference and all these other so-called social justice warriors are kids who have been through too much academia and not enough real life experience. Ironically they are the ones who seemed to be privileged, mommy and daddy paid for school and now they live in a fantasy world where they can pretend the BS they talk about is a real issue, while ignoring the real critical problems facing the world today.

dat hate
There are countries where a minority group is at a political disadvantage, subject to discrimination, and yet outperform the majority economically. It's actually pretty common, you can argue it happens here.

What really matters more than anything else to a group's performance is the cultural differences. If for one group its the norm to expect/demand good grades and college degrees from the kids, and another just doesn't, this is clearly gonna trump other factors.

MYTH: Poor people are unmotivated and have weak work ethics.

The Reality: Poor people do not have weaker work ethics or lower levels of motivation than wealthier people (Iversen & Farber, 1996; Wilson, 1997). Although poor people are often stereotyped as lazy, 83 percent of children from low-income families have at least one employed parent; close to 60 percent have at least one parent who works full-time and year-round (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2004). In fact, the severe shortage of living-wage jobs means that many poor adults must work two, three, or four jobs. According to the Economic Policy Institute (2002), poor working adults spend more hours working each week than their wealthier counterparts.

MYTH: Poor parents are uninvolved in their children's learning, largely because they do not value education.

The Reality: Low-income parents hold the same attitudes about education that wealthy parents do (Compton-Lilly, 2003; Lareau & Horvat, 1999; Leichter, 1978). Low-income parents are less likely to attend school functions or volunteer in their children's classrooms (National Center for Education Statistics, 2005)

What a sick person. There's nothing wrong with appreciating humor regardless of the material but laughing at something like prison rape because you feel its karma or something of the sort is sick.

Besides, black males are disproportionately sent to prison so laughing off the suffering caused by prison rape is laughing off the suffering of black males who, by their own logic, are victims of white privilege and institutionalized racism.
What a sick person. There's nothing wrong with appreciating humor regardless of the material but laughing at something like prison rape because you feel its karma or something of the sort is sick.

Besides, black males are disproportionately sent to prison so laughing off the suffering caused by prison rape is laughing off the suffering of black males who, by their own logic, are victims of white privilege and institutionalized racism.
It is sort of funny.

The problem with tumblr, is that it's difficult to tell the difference between genuine SJWs, and parodies, as they both behave the same.

That says a lot about the ultra-sick SJWs.
Mind Fucking children into being ashamed of who they are, right in front of everyone.

And people mock Christians for thinking we're near the end of days lol.

I'm not Christian by the way.
Well, the whole SJW thing seems to be a fringe movement that's mostly limited to college campuses and blogs for now. You don't really see politicians with a SJW platform, its just too far left to be viable. Its just a small but very loud and annoying minority of people that manages to piss people off from both the right and the left. Most people ITT for instance seem to disagree with them but likely to differing degrees. I acknowledge white privilege, I just think the SJW crowd is a little too radical with their message ain both content and presentation.
Thats how I see it, but there are a lot of people who act like its the norm and they are going to destroy us all. Pointing and laughing is fine, but people take it so seriously for god knows what reason. And as I said before seeing some conversations about feminism from some of these people who obsess about it are really sick.

Yeah okay buddy, you have fun with that.

Yeah says me. Anyone with one working eye can go into different environments such as a random middle class neighborhood and a complete wasteland like detroit and see that their is an obvious difference in culture and behavior. Am I wrong?
Yeah says me. Anyone with one working eye can go into different environments such as a random middle class neighborhood and a complete wasteland like detroit and see that their is an obvious difference in culture and behavior. Am I wrong?

So your anecdote totally defuses all the studies saying that you're wrong?

Oh boy, OldGoat must be the smartest guy in existence.

"It's wrong because I FEEL that you're wrong."
So your anecdote totally defuses all the studies saying that you're wrong?

Oh boy, OldGoat must be the smartest guy in existence.

"It's wrong because I FEEL that you're wrong."

Not at all. And facts aren't feelings. They are facts. You honestly think this so called classism is the difference in performance between low and high income families and areas?
The only thing more pathetic than a conference full of white people complaining about white privilege is a chat board full of white people whining about a conference full of white people complaining about white privilege.
Not at all. And facts aren't feelings. They are facts. You honestly think this so called classism is the difference in performance between low and high income families and areas?

The most destructive tool of the culture of classism is deficit theory. In education, we often talk about the deficit perspective
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