Where to go, 5x5 or 8x3?


Green Belt
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
NOTE: I am not asking which routine is better or which should I start with.

I've been strength training for a little while now, with a lot of upsets in my routines, so I never have really made any serious progress, I just went from being weak in the weight room to just below average. I have been trying 5x5 for a while, but have had competitions and other things messing it up. My goal is to gain as much strength as I can, then use that in practical terms with JROTC physical training.

Here is my situation, next school year I will be competing in the Raider challenge again with JROTC, and will go out for JV wrestling and cross country. I'm a natural runner, and pick it up easily, so that's no problem given some time. Raider challenge is like track and field for JROTC where teams compete against each other for time in the PT test, a one-rope bridge event, a 1 mile litter carry and a 3 mile team rune, this coming year I believe that they will make every team carry one 20 pound rucksack.

I want to bulk up with practical muscle by lifting until the end of June, which is when I will be attending PT sessions and summer practices for cross country. So I'm wondering in your opinions what is the best way to approach gaining lean muscle, 5x5 or 8x3?

I've been doing the 5x5 for a while and have wanted to see what the 8x3 will do.

Any advice will help, thank you.
Dude shut up, hypertrophy makes your muscles large without you making serious strength gains, you know what I meant.
We know what you mean, you're just not quite saying it right...

As for useful comments? I have none...
NOTE: I am not asking which routine is better or which should I start with.

I've been strength training for a little while now, with a lot of upsets in my routines, so I never have really made any serious progress, I just went from being weak in the weight room to just below average. I have been trying 5x5 for a while, but have had competitions and other things messing it up. My goal is to gain as much strength as I can, then use that in practical terms with JROTC physical training.

Here is my situation, next school year I will be competing in the Raider challenge again with JROTC, and will go out for JV wrestling and cross country. I'm a natural runner, and pick it up easily, so that's no problem given some time. Raider challenge is like track and field for JROTC where teams compete against each other for time in the PT test, a one-rope bridge event, a 1 mile litter carry and a 3 mile team rune, this coming year I believe that they will make every team carry one 20 pound rucksack.

I want to bulk up with practical muscle by lifting until the end of June, which is when I will be attending PT sessions and summer practices for cross country. So I'm wondering in your opinions what is the best way to approach gaining lean muscle, 5x5 or 8x3?

I've been doing the 5x5 for a while and have wanted to see what the 8x3 will do.

Any advice will help, thank you.

Man stick with he 5x5 but actualy do it. Quit making excuses and do it. go read my log and you will see what the 5x5 can do in just 4 weeks. If you are not making gains its because you are not doing it. or you are not eating enough and recovery or all of the above. The prob is not the program its you, so fix the problem.
I know this isn't D&S, but the first thing that popped in my mind is eating cleanly, and lots. Especially if you're doing a lot on the side.

Any routine can take a while--at least for me 'cause I'm slow, lol--so if you can't find the time for 5x5 now, you won't find the time for 8x3 in the summer (speaking from personal experience). Good luck with your goals.
From my understanding 5x5 is more pure strength oriented while 8x3 is for bulking.

Really though, you can't go wrong with either, it's not like you're not going to get stronger with 8x3 and you're not going to get bigger with 5x5.
EDT for squat day and a progression or WSB for deadlift day
you could try 5x5 for 3 weeks, then keep the same routine but go to 8x3 with adjusted weight for the next go around
The thing is, with 8x3 you'll still be getting stronger, and if you increase the weight on each set it becomes more like a 5x5 in increase in strength.
From my understanding 5x5 is more pure strength oriented while 8x3 is for bulking.

Really though, you can't go wrong with either, it's not like you're not going to get stronger with 8x3 and you're not going to get bigger with 5x5.

I think 8x3 means 8 sets of 3 reps, so that's even more towards pure strength than 5x5, though I could be wrong. If 8x3 means 3 sets of 8 reps then yeah it's more towards the bulking/bodybuilding end of things.

Personally I'm doing the Stronglifts 5x5 right now and I think it's great. In three weeks I've increased my squat by 20%, though a lot of that is beginner gains. To the TS, I'd stick with the 5x5 and just make sure to get to the gym 2 or 3 times a week while eating well.
Assuming that you don't go to failure, in 5x5 you lift about a 7RM each set , and in 8x3 it's about 5RM each set. So 8x3 is even more strength-oriantated.

I might be wrong tho...