International The French Olympics opening ceremony... Ok That was Strange..

Jfc, this thread.

The 1980's called. They want their Satanic Panic back.

It's just a bunch of artsy French twats.

Everyone will be fine.
Keep promoting the absurd and the vile, it's normal. Everything is fine.

The slippery slope of the 80s turned out to be factual you fucking goof, lol.
I meant picture because I can't be fked searching it.

That kind of thing won't come up in Google easily (censored)
Probably need to watch the ceremony on replay and slow things down.

A lot of that imagery is very jumpy and short lived, back and forth stuff.

The tranny runway intermixed with the athlete entrance was one of the most embarrassing things I've even seen. Can't speak to any intended pedophilic connections though (wouldn't surprise me in the least, it's France, home of the degenerate mind)
Make the Olympics great again

That limp-wristed can runs like a fruitcake. Look at that effeminate timepiece he's wearing too, lol.

Also, was the torch a doobie and the flame lit by Snoop Dogg?

The lefties who cost France 1.5 billion while having their brethren extracted for optics should sleep well, lmfao.

Absolute low-IQ theatre.
So now the French are doing a Copyright strike on anyone trying to comment or react to the opening ceremony.
Not a good look..

Because the French Govt knows the far left/Leftist Media outlets wont react to the opening ceremony, they now are going after the independents or moderates, Right whoever had their videos of the last supper gets a copyright notice.

Why didn't France do what China, Russia did in their Olympics ceremony opening?
You more of your own traditional customs?

Was it to difficult for Macron's leftist govt to handle or achieve?
The question mark wasn't intended as "They are, why are you questioning it" it was more me questioning how I hadn't realized they were until I thought about it for a sec
Probably need to watch the ceremony on replay and slow things down.

A lot of that imagery is very jumpy and short lived, back and forth stuff.

The tranny runway intermixed with the athlete entrance was one of the most embarrassing things I've even seen. Can't speak to any intended pedophilic connections though (wouldn't surprise me in the least, it's France, home of the degenerate mind)
Ok, I can't really be bothered.

I will settle for the exposed testicle as evidence of a debauched ceremony.

our american sherbros don't understand the depravity of that show.
now with the olympics opening they can see what it is like every year.
Tbh they got the whole hollywood/netflix shit, they're black belts too at weird woke bullshit lol
The question mark wasn't intended as "They are, why are you questioning it" it was more me questioning how I hadn't realized they were until I thought about it for a sec
They arent nor have they.

The opening ceremony with the Drags mocking Jesus last supper wasn't part of French traditions.
Since when were Drags/Queens part of French Culture and why with the mocking of last supper? was there a message? if so it wasn't very French..

Look back at when Italy hosted their games to.
The opening ceremony was great.

Why did IOC allowed this weird opening ceremony to begin with?

Whats worse Macron tweeted and said "This is France!"
The people pushing ancient Greece was a pro homosexual have an agenda similar to what Jada Pinkett Smith did with her Cleopatra documentary. Ancient Greeks acknowledged homosexuality but didn't celebrate like people think because men were expected to start families and Greeks mocked Persians by calling them homos.
Homosexuality in Greece and Rome was more prison rules, pedophillic shit.

Leftists, with their degenerate, morally depraved outlook, assume it was the blue oyster variety of gay and that they would get cocktails while wearing pink togas n shit.

But don't mention the pedo stuff, that's a conspiracy theory today.
This whole situation makes me think that France is cheating with their "female" athletes competing against real biological women, if you know what I mean...

Let's see if french "female" athletes will win more gold medals than expected...