What's with UFC fighters and crying

I've seen athletes in many sports cry after achieving something.

Its a lot of work thats gone into it and you dont know whats going on in their personal lives. I cant remember what fight it was but a few fights ago Pat Barry was so broke he was living on ketchup the week of the fight, he got a win and started to cry, understandably he was emotional.
I understand winning a championship, but an ordinary fight. just goes to show that you can't get punched in the head that many times and remain psychologically stable.

I assume you're talking about pat barry.....well he was 1-3 in his last 4 fights...and probably would have gotten cut with a loss. I'd say that securing food and shelter for your family for another 4-6 months is a good enough reason to cry.
It's pretty sad you've never vested yourself in an endeavor with enough emotion to cause tears. And the fact that you can't even recognize it happening to some one else is even more sad D;
Blood, sweat AND TEARS.
If you've never invested time and effort into accomplishing something, only to lay on the field of battle knowing that you've given it your all with tears of joy...

Then you, my friend have never lived...
3 pages in and no Andy Wang jokes? I am disappointed
Have you never wanted something so bad in your life then when you got it or didn't get it you felt like crying? That kind of emotion comes from blood, sweat, tears and years of preparation and hard work for one shining moment. If you have not had this TS, then I suggest you start chasing those dreams of yours.
MMA isn't a very forgiving sport, especially the UFC. You can be on top of the world one day, then lose two fights in a row and suddenly everyone thinks you're a CAN and the UFC dumps you. So just about every victory in the UFC is a big victory. Pat Barry, for example, could easily have been dropped from the roster last night had he not won. So while Shane Del Rosario may not be the biggest name to beat, it may have just saved Barry's UFC career for a little while.
It's easy to get very emotional after going through a lot of stress.
Everything's on the line in there. Money. Pride. Their functioning health. The well-being of their family. The vindication that months spent away from their families were worth it. Their futures in the sport. The realization and relief that everything you worked for is over. The dropoff where they can take a month and chill after killing it for so long. The adoration of the fans. The congratulations from their bosses. The building of a legacy.

I have no idea why someone would be emotional...
Because when you sacrifice absolutely everything you have for something that is so difficult to succeed at - and then you catch a glimpse of that succcess with a nice KO - its very easy to get emotional and happy.
They train 3-4 months for a single goal of winning a UFC bout. Almost al of them get a win bonus if they win, and open up additional opportunites and possibilities of bonuses if they win. It is an emotional release of sorts.
We know they worked really hard, but does every victory warrants a tear? UFC fighters seems prone to crying. Ironic, they can take savage beating, horrendous fractures but very prone to crying after matches.

I think its pretty fucking obvious.. so instead of answering I will just call you names.

TS has never worked his ass off for anything other than the last icecream bar in the back of the freezer. He does not understand that when you sacrifice, struggle and suffer to reach a goal that emotions will get the best of you.

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