whats the real reason for the dana hate in Big Country?


Purple Belt
Aug 27, 2006
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He calls him AGAIN dumb as a rock when he picks the better team, wins more fights, wins the tuf contract with his guy, won tuf himself, even though fat trains smart enough to NEVER pull out of a fight injured, and beats Meathead by luring him into expecting an over hand right but instead sneaking an upper cut followed by a three punch combo....he absolutely own3d the entire situation start to end and is a finisher to boot.....therefore since he cant be as dumb as Dana lets on ( whats that make carwin) there must be some other reason.....I suspect he is not easily controlled and speaks his mind traits we ALL know Dana cant appreciate. ..
Dana acts like he hates Roy, because Dana likes to pretend he doesn't like his fat guy ugly hair image. Truth be told Dana loves Roy, because fans love Roy and fans make that money.
Runs his mouth. Then again there is all that you mentioned in the op. Dana just likes to talk.
Think it goes back to TUF 10, maybe even beyond that.
Dana pretending to hate Roy is one of Roy's biggest selling points, sort of like Stone Cold and Vince.
Fat as hell
long hair
Fat as hell
If Dana doesn't like you, it probably just means you don't agree with him 100% of the time!
Personally I think Roy is a bad ass and should be able to look however he wants as long as he beats ass and puts on exciting fights.

Maybe Dana stood next to him at the office urinals and looked at his watch.
If Dana ever handed money to Tank then he has little room to talk smack on Roy. Oh wait, Dana is paying Roy. I guess actions speak louder than words. :)
i hope roys retirement fight is against dana
There is no secret reason. Dana was quite upfront about it, Roy is difficult to deal with as a promoter but he is a hell of a fighter. Dana doesn't have to like you to promote you and I think he has been more than fair with Roy. Why does everything have to be a consiracy?
If he was adonis-like then Dana would love him. Make of that what you want
In a sport where guys cut massive amounts of weight in order to have significant size advantages, its awesome guys like Roy are around. He keeps his gut so he can fight heavyweights. If he got lean he would be a tiny HW or even a LHW. To me it shows balls that he chooses to say fuck it and fight the big dudes. Same goes with Pat Barry, gas station hot dogs and lots of weights keep him fighting big dudes.
Roy is not a company man, he doesn't play the game the way Dana wants him to.Twitter wars with your boss are not good for your career. Roy takes his schtick too far, I've always liked the guy but even at that I'd like to see him groom himself some. That beard and hair are repulsive.
Dana pretending to hate Roy is one of Roy's biggest selling points, sort of like Stone Cold and Vince.

This, Roy is an asset of Danas and hes simply maximizing his earning potential. He builds heat for Roy every time he talks trash about him.
Dana acts like he hates Roy, because Dana likes to pretend he doesn't like his fat guy ugly hair image. Truth be told Dana loves Roy, because fans love Roy and fans make that money.

I think this is alot of it...I don't think they are friends by any means, but I don't think he loathes him like he claims....Honest to god, would you put a man on national tv, gaining exposure and potential sponsorship deals for weeks when you hated his guts? fight fans already know who he is, it's not like he was introducing him to the world....even casuals know him as "that fat guy"
Tito has retired and Dana has to keep a fan favorite that he can hate on easy and build up shit for rating and $$$.