What would your ideal outcome for Mcgregor vs Chandler be?

Chandler pulls out of the fight due to slipping while trying to see someone at the top. Aldo is signed as a last minute replacement. Aldo sparks McGregor in 12.9 seconds of the first round. The ko is a catalyst to Aldo’s amazing storybook climb to winning another title.
Conor by KO. Leads to more exciting fights
Chandler pulls out of the fight due to slipping while trying to see someone at the top. Aldo is signed as a last minute replacement. Aldo sparks McGregor in 12.9 seconds of the first round. The ko is a catalyst to Aldo’s amazing storybook climb to winning another title.

Aldo fighting at 170?
Chandler wins by power bomb KO then does 4 backflips in a row and calls out Gaethje for a rematch after another pro wrestling style promo.
Chandler by KO, if Conor wins we will have to live with that for years, him losing in bad way probably shuts him up, he cant leave the UFC, but at the same time probably doesnt want to go back in, perfect outcome, retirement.
It would be great to see a bit of a war for a few rounds. Don't like Conor but am not bothered who wins at this point.
cancellation and final retirement for McGregor. He's stealing forum space, media time and UFC time from the actual fighters.
Conor KOs him then goes on to starch Islam. After that he goes after Leon abd becomes double champ again
Conor getting knocked out and injured so bad he cna never fight again. His stock diminishes loses his fortune, spirals in a rut of alcohol and drugs until and ends up in prison for life.

This, with one minor addition- Conor violently shits himself as he convulses knocked out on the canvas.
This, because that fight is not happening.
Hopefully Chandler is concussed by one of Conor’s punches, that way when Conor gasses about a minute into the 2nd round Mike Chandler might have another “forgets where he is” moment and thinks he’s in Japan and goes for the headstompS.