What would you do all day without the internet?

Write food review drafts on Fast Notepad to post later.
Write drafts for threads on Fast Notepad to post on Sherdog later.
Leave the house to go to the grocery store.
Play games.
Read a magazine.
Read an epub or pdf file.
music and movies, straight up no polkadaots
Yesterday the internet was down at work for like 2 hours and I nearly had a panic attack.
If a natural disaster somehow knocked out the internet for an extended period of time (like a week), what would you do all day? This means no playing games, streaming videos, porn, shopping, etc.
OK Zoomer

There's books and board games, you can still call your friends on the phone, you can listen to music and watch movies that you've downloaded earlier or have on DVD and shopping is something most people do IN THE SHOP.

There are also these mysterious places you can explore:
  • a street
  • a park
  • a forest
  • a beach
  • your basemen (oh wait, you're already there)
I'd probably do more chores around the place, painting and fixing. I do a good job at that now i guess, but would do even more of it. I'd read more and likely discover new shows on TV too.
I have a lot of songs, movies/TV, pics and
Um "educational biology" vids downloaded
to survive without the net for quite awhile.
There was a time where there was no internet. People would be fine. Well, unless you’re a brain dead thot.
Why haven't you yet? Why is it so hard?

Had power cuts before. I read a book. I always have a book in the car in case there's a massive hours long traffic jam.
If you're reading in traffic, maybe you ARE the traffic jam.
If you're reading in traffic, maybe you ARE the traffic jam.
I've been in a jam where I haven't moved in 4 hours because the road I'm on has been closed, ram it with thinking you know every scenario, sunshine.
I've been in a jam where I haven't moved in 4 hours because the road I'm on has been closed, ram it with thinking you know every scenario, sunshine.
That was called a joke.

And I could make another here about women drivers, but I think I shall just mosey on...
During the summer, I tend to go a week not using the internet when we rent a cabin by the sea. I read, go for walks, work out, talk, play with the kids, think, write stuff down and sometimes just gaze into space. If it's summer, there's all sorts of stuff to do outside as well.

Lying on the couch and listening to the radio is underrated, by the way.

You get restless for a day or two and then you start to unwind.
Skate more and probably play more poker with friends. If at work, I would mess around with Excel.