Tech What tech progress do you think you will see in your lifetime?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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Do you think you'll be around when they find a cure for cancer?

Do you think in your lifetime, that AI will be able to generate a totally new, good novel instantly, on demand?

Same but with music?

Same but with movies?

Same but with videogames?

Human like robots with AI equal to that of an average human?

Do you think we'll have a human settlement on the moon or Mars before you die?
Sherdog not crashing when there are big upsets… maybe.
Something that lets me watch my tv without relying on wireless internet. Maybe some kind of cable I can just plug into it.
Do you think you'll be around when they find a cure for cancer?

Do you think in your lifetime, that AI will be able to generate a totally new, good novel instantly, on demand?

Same but with music?

Same but with movies?

Same but with videogames?

Human like robots with AI equal to that of an average human?

Do you think we'll have a human settlement on the moon or Mars before you die?
Tired of killing trees and wasting water to clean ass

Fusing AI with our brains. Not so much that it makes us smarter, but we can access AI the same way we do on our computer, just mentally.

The mental/tech interface in general is definitely on the horizon. But I think thats the big one that'll separate the fusion into something that changes humanity on a fundamental level, as opposed to just doing a Google search in your head.
Fusing AI with our brains. Not so much that it makes us smarter, but we can access AI the same way we do on our computer, just mentally.

The mental/tech interface in general is definitely on the horizon. But I think thats the big one that'll separate the fusion into something that changes humanity on a fundamental level, as opposed to just doing a Google search in your head.
I am looking for the fallout from that.
If you read 10 pages of human history, you know it will be abused and end in a disaster.
How the brain actually works is still a bit of an unknown but I'v seen comparisons that a single human brain has more connections in it than the entire internet, some claim orders of magnitude more. Computers are obviously far better at exact data recall and maths than humans but recreating human self awareness/creativity could be far harder.

Personally I think all new kinds of tech always tend to overestimate how effective they are and AI to me seems like its a bit of a investment grift de jour the bubble of which seems like it maybe in danger of bursting in the near future.
Cuba already cured lung cancers and I think they got 1 or 2 other ones.

I do think the rapid industrial advancement while not over is going to keep slowing down. Every lifetime is going to yield less and less technological differences until we're back at the point every generations life is the same except for climate which is going to make things much worse. There will be more advancements but none will be as revolutionary as the internet.
I think we could be regrowing limbs not too far from now.
I think we will see nuclear powered cars.

I don't think computers will ever recreate consciousness because a computer is a classical system, and a human brain/mind is both a classical and a quantum system. So a computer will never have the soul of a human. A trillion transistors are still just yes/no switches.
AI can help us calculate and manage our ideas, make suggestions for improvements, provide us with lightning speed results to complex queries... But it cannot on its own come up with an innovative movie that is inspired by real life experience or by the imagination and the subconscious, fueled by the passion of certain themes, motifs, color palettes, with a particular actor in mind for a role, etc... only a human can talk to a human like a human.
Whatever is formulated by AI will not have that essence. In terms of art it can only be used as a tool for achieving new effects and to be a medium of expression of new forms.
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How the brain actually works is still a bit of an unknown but I'v seen comparisons that a single human brain has more connections in it than the entire internet, some claim orders of magnitude more. Computers are obviously far better at exact data recall and maths than humans but recreating human self awareness/creativity could be far harder.

Personally I think all new kinds of tech always tend to overestimate how effective they are and AI to me seems like its a bit of a investment grift de jour the bubble of which seems like it maybe in danger of bursting in the near future.
AI is an extremely limited hype job. I use it on a nearly daily basis, but thats due to google becoming insufferable, and in that regard, it’s very convenient, like having a library of manuals on tap and ready to go….. otherwise it’s mostly junk.
World domination by whomever first successfully combines advanced AI and quantum computing.

Probably a company, not a country.

It could be fantastic for humanity but probably will not be.
I doubt they will find a cure for every Cancer.

Stem cell acceptance once FDA get onboard
Do you think you'll be around when they find a cure for cancer?

Do you think in your lifetime, that AI will be able to generate a totally new, good novel instantly, on demand?

Same but with music?

Same but with movies?

Same but with videogames?

Human like robots with AI equal to that of an average human?

Do you think we'll have a human settlement on the moon or Mars before you die?
All the AI ones except the robot seem likely.

For the robot one, I think a company will be claiming to sell that. But, the product won't be half as good as advertised.

For cancer, I see no reason why that will be cured soon.

Skeptical on the human settlement too.
I don't know if they'll find the cure for cancer or heart disease in the next 50 years. But I think they might find a cure for Alzheimer's in the next 10-15 years I believe. They have this new technology that can delay the progression of it.

Who knows what the future holds. But I think we have to die somehow or someway. Don't want to live too long in a broken down body.
Do you think you'll be around when they find a cure for cancer?
Guess big improvements but not sure about 100% cure
Do you think in your lifetime, that AI will be able to generate a totally new, good novel instantly, on demand?
Same but with music?
Same but with movies?
Same but with videogames?
Human like robots with AI equal to that of an average human?
Do you think we'll have a human settlement on the moon or Mars before you die?
I doubt they will find a cure for every Cancer.

Stem cell acceptance once FDA get onboard
Agreed as there are so many cancers.

I think AI and gene theropy will advance medicine a lot.

I'm hoping for augmented reality. Think of Pokemon Go but 10x more awesome
Doesn't feel like progress this tech stuff but I think AI will continue to atomize people into their own little worlds. Seems everyone will have their own customized films, music, etc. and squash any shared culture in the progress.