What person accomplished the most in a lifetime?

Bill gates/Paul Allen are up there. Not many aspects of modern life windows hasn’t touched.
and this is all because of ghengis khan. he brought china together

Ghengis only invaded one of the northern non han Chinese kingdoms in China, it was his desendants who did the rest invading the main Song dynasty in the south.

Mongke Khan probably has an argument to be the most powerful human to ever live in terms of direct personal control as the last Khan to directly control the whole empire.
George Washington, because America is the first and only nation of its kind and is also by a massive margin the greatest nation to ever be established on earth.
In what way is it the first and only nation of its kind?

And in what way is it greatest?
George Washington, because America is the first and only nation of its kind and is also by a massive margin the greatest nation to ever be established on earth.

Poor natives and African Americans during the development of America. Wasn't too good for them.
Poor natives and African Americans during the development of America. Wasn't too good for them.
You do realize that during that era and all beforehand, every civilization used slave labor to build and for agriculture? America was just doing what the world was used to.

I always lol @ people when they bring this up as if the entire planet hadn't been using slaves for the entirety of their existence.
Eienstien: one of the greatest minds ever,became a celeb and fucked a lotta bitches (possibly monroe if i recall)

Randy Couture :2 weight mma champ at 40+ ,olympic team member, banged and married loads of young hotties in is old age ,pilots licence, his own mma gym (back before every other mma star opened them) served his country in the forces,film star !

Bill gates : changed the world forver with his contributions to making this new ' computer age', became worlds richest man in doing so and now is orgainising to leave one of the biggest charitablenorgs of all as a legacy!

Jackie chan: came from nothing to be one of the biggest cooleat action stars ever ,supposedly the inspiration for parkour! , huge music star in asia and linked to multiple hot asian actresses...hes a dawg apparently ! , loads of charitable orgs and one of the few celebs to publicly chastise a fuck up child instead of coddling them of forcinv them on the world ( looking at you will smith )

-christopher lee: film star ,former brittish spy and fencing master
I'd say Ghengis, if only for the simple (but amazing) fact that during his reign is the only known period in human history where forests actually regained ground. That guy killed so many people that deforestation actually reversed. Think about that for a moment.

Also, he has one of the absolute best revenge stories of all time in his complete destruction of the khwarezmian empire.

And finally, his son I believe sacked and burned Baghdad, destroying what was essentially the center of the Islamic world at the time and destroyed all the progress they had made over the centuries as the Mongols slaughtered everyone they could find and the rivers ran black with the ink from parchments that were tossed in from the libraries. The Islamic world which was once an economic and intellectual powerhouse was toppled and never able to recover.

Say what you will, but to this day the effects of Ghengis can still be felt after almost a thousand years.
I don't think it's fair to use nations because it's one persons ideal with millions supporting them to make it happen. A group effort.

But men like Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo Davinci etc. Reshaped the world forever all on their own.

Henry Ford essentially created the motor industry and thus his work will go on forever.

Hard to pinpont one though.

Dude created the assembly line too. thats legit world changing.
Also made obesity acceptable.
Charming, even. A bit like Daniel Cormier. Somehow it looks good on him.

(but seriously, the real buddha was skinny, spent years meditating under a tree, then trecked from India to China so he was pretty lean on arrival, as you can imagine.
The fat bald one with the permanent grin, is one of several other popular figures in buddhist lore and not the buddha. But i guess you already knew that ;) )
Mike Rowe. All those Dirty Jobs in addition to everything else he's done like narration, etc.

The person who created porn...think how many orgasms they've helped produce.

It all started with a stick figure drawing of a woman with some big ol' titties on a cave wall.
Charming, even. A bit like Daniel Cormier. Somehow it looks good on him.

(but seriously, the real buddha was skinny, spent years meditating under a tree, then trecked from India to China so he was pretty lean on arrival, as you can imagine.
The fat bald one with the permanent grin, is one of several other popular figures in buddhist lore and not the buddha. But i guess you already knew that ;) )
Oh yeah, I definitely already knew that. I mean, I've seen all his facebook and instagram photos. For a while I even read his fitness blog, dude was ripped.
Oh yeah, I definitely already knew that. I mean, I've seen all his facebook and instagram photos. For a while I even read his fitness blog, dude was ripped.
Ripped!? That's not the half of it!

He was (is) the OG Shaolin Grand Master.