What is your max bench press?

Honestly though. If you bench a lot then more likely you have some sort of shoulder issue.
Got 415 in December and was hoping to hit 450 by the end of this year. However, shoulder problems have now made that highly unlikely. I know there are several guys here stronger than that, but it's the lift I am good at and being sidelined sucks.

Got 415 in December and was hoping to hit 450 by the end of this year. However, shoulder problems have now made that highly unlikely. I know there are several guys here stronger than that, but it's the lift I am good at and being sidelined sucks.

Yea I backed off from heavy benching. I got some shoulder issue that didn't really go away completely. I need to address it soon with some prehab stuff. I have been neglecting my rotator cuff drills. Some of it is chest tightness. I get relief when I massage my chest. I might get a massage soon. Oh you just reminded me that I bought an EMS stim machine. I am going to use it now.
Got 415 in December and was hoping to hit 450 by the end of this year. However, shoulder problems have now made that highly unlikely. I know there are several guys here stronger than that, but it's the lift I am good at and being sidelined sucks.


Yea I backed off from heavy benching. I got some shoulder issue that didn't really go away completely. I need to address it soon with some prehab stuff. I have been neglecting my rotator cuff drills. Some of it is chest tightness. I get relief when I massage my chest. I might get a massage soon. Oh you just reminded me that I bought an EMS stim machine. I am going to use it now.

Yeah I think barbell bench is injury prone especially if you have bad form like I do. I've never been great at bench but I used to train it a lot until late 30's when I fucked up my shoulder maxing 265 at 163 bodyweight. I've since de-prioritized it and don't think I've even attempted more than 205 since.

But I did a few sessions with a powerlifting and oly coach last month and it's making me re-think bench. With shoulders tightly pulled back and packed, it's probably as safe as any other lift. The coach also advised holding your breath during the lift and bracing your torso as you would during heavy squat or DL. I don't go for 1RM anymore but there may be something to that because I can feel my body alignment change slightly when I breath during the lift, which can lead to injury with a lot of weight on the bar.

I highly recommend some sessions with a proper lifting coach if you've never done it. It appears I've been using the wrong toe, hip and grip positions for my body proportions on bench, DL and snatch. I'm in the process of incorporating the coaches' feedback into all my lifts.

Another gamechanger the coach told me to use is hook grip for pulls off the ground. It hurts like fuck for a few weeks but once you get used to it, DL, snatch and bent over rows feel more natural with better hip mechanics.
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I never tried to actually max a Bench Press and now that I'm older most likely won't. I just like to continue to put on quality muscle as I age and I find the Incline Bench works better for this for actual chest stimulation.
I like to pretend when I'm doing push ups that I'm benching the planet away from me so if you look at it like that I'm benching 13 septillion tons.

Or as Chuck Norris calls it, "a warm up". ;)
More liars in this Thread than Congress and the Senate combined. :rolleyes:

It's a scientifically proven fact that no human being can Bench more than teh 275. ;)

Preach on brother. When I did 265 I knew I was approaching peak human performance. No way was my shoulder going to allow any more without telling me to F off.
I never go over 225. I know I could for ego lifting but I’m scared of injury honestly. I’ll do 225 for reps. I’ve had a few shoulder injuries and as somebody who has had a few injuries before and works a physical job, I’ll stay at 2 plates.

I do full pulls and focus on form. I like to think that I can gain the same gains from that than doing 3 plates and cheating a bit.