What is your max bench press?

I never go over 225. I know I could for ego lifting but I’m scared of injury honestly. I’ll do 225 for reps. I’ve had a few shoulder injuries and as somebody who has had a few injuries before and works a physical job, I’ll stay at 2 plates.

I do full pulls and focus on form. I like to think that I can gain the same gains from that than doing 3 plates and cheating a bit.
Same here. 225 is the highest I will go and I can do it with ease. I have a cheap home weightlifting bench that I use and no spotter.

I also injured myself pretty good when I first got my bench. I was doing hundreds of reps. Everytime I walked by or looked at my bench, I'd crank out a set. Then I woke up one day and my shoulder was all tore up. I couldn't do any bench pressing for like 4 months. I couldn't even sleep on my right side which is my favorite side. Plus I saw people die in weight lifting vids trying to go too heavy and crank out 1 more rep. Died in a gym to make things worse. One guy I saw couldn't crank out the last rep and the weights went down on his neck and killed him. In a gym. I'm home alone. Plus I'm 41 now and getting old
Same here. 225 is the highest I will go and I can do it with ease. I have a cheap home weightlifting bench that I use and no spotter.

I also injured myself pretty good when I first got my bench. I was doing hundreds of reps. Everytime I walked by or looked at my bench, I'd crank out a set. Then I woke up one day and my shoulder was all tore up. I couldn't do any bench pressing for like 4 months. I couldn't even sleep on my right side which is my favorite side. Plus I saw people die in weight lifting vids trying to go too heavy and crank out 1 more rep. Died in a gym to make things worse. One guy I saw couldn't crank out the last rep and the weights went down on his neck and killed him. In a gym. I'm home alone. Plus I'm 41 now and getting old
I remember when I trained hard with the same group of guys when I was younger. Almost all did 225 but I bet none could do a full, proper pull with good form and no cheating. During those days, my focus was being able to do it properly. I figured it out and didn’t really go beyond there because I had the same issues as you when I tried to. I struggled with 315 back then pretty bad and needed a spotter and couldn’t do it properly and I’m still not sure if I could.

I used to train with my dad when I was a teenager and he told me if I couldn’t do it properly, it didn’t count. I don’t see much proper form at the gym these days. I don’t train the same way these days. Now I am mostly concerned with cardio, core and flexibility. I played a full season of semi pro hockey at 34 and felt good but I’m trying a different approach. Also trying to live more actively.
I used to have a weight set at home that I used religiously- without a spotter.

I got to the point where I could comfortably 225 for reps. I only ever went up to 315, 5 sets of 5 reps each.

Never tried doing a 1 rep max. If I had a spotter I am sure I coulda broken 400.

Not that any of this matters at the moment, that was a while back when I was on supplements and younger. Now I don't do any supplements- only eat protein bars after workouts. Physically speaking I don't have any complaints about my body composition- chest and trapezius used to be a bit bigger back in the day but now my arms, lats, and legs are in better shape than they've ever been.

Maybe I'll get to the point where I can do 300+ again. Maybe not.. I'm just enjoying being able to keep working out effectively and consistently.
I used to have a weight set at home that I used religiously- without a spotter.

I got to the point where I could comfortably 225 for reps. I only ever went up to 315, 5 sets of 5 reps each.

Never tried doing a 1 rep max. If I had a spotter I am sure I coulda broken 400.

Not that any of this matters at the moment, that was a while back when I was on supplements and younger. Now I don't do any supplements- only eat protein bars after workouts. Physically speaking I don't have any complaints about my body composition- chest and trapezius used to be a bit bigger back in the day but now my arms, lats, and legs are in better shape than they've ever been.

Maybe I'll get to the point where I can do 300+ again. Maybe not.. I'm just enjoying being able to keep working out effectively and consistently.
When I was on sauce I once benched 315 for ten and could’ve gotten 1 or two more maybe. That was cool. Before I hurt my shoulder doing something else I did 495 to a three board.
Oh snap, bringin' up the glory days of high school. There was a time I was doing 225 x 8 reps at 3 sets. Did 250 x 1 once to get my name on the "250 club" wall in the high school weight room. Was jacked up on adrenaline and should have tried to do it twice but immediately racked it.

I was eating so much oatmeal, tuna from cans, and chicken it was insane. I weighed 215 back then and freaked some people out in the weight room when the barbell was on the floor with two one 45 on each side. They were a little surprised when, instead of dead lifting, I picked it up and starting doing curl reps.

Glory days.

Tuna farts are the worst.
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Oh snap, bringin' up the glory days of high school. There was a time I was doing 225 x 8 reps at 3 sets. Did 250 x 1 once to get my name on the "250 club" wall in the high school weight room. Was jacked up on adrenaline and should have tried to do it twice but immediately racked it.

I was eating so much oatmeal, tuna from cans, and chicken it was insane. I weighed 215 back then and freaked some people out in the weight room when the barbell was on the floor with two 45s on each side. They were a little surprised when, instead of dead lifting, I picked it up and starting doing curl reps.

Glory days.

Tuna farts are the worst.

You were doing cheat curls back in high school? Bruh. It's like King Kong had a baby.
You said 2 on each side in your last post. Was gonna call BS but decided not to!
Oh dang, whoops LOL. It was one on each side. I shall correct, although two on each side would have been boss.
I was gonna say... You were doing cheat curls with two plates each side back in high school?

I forgot to mention the numbers. lol. Seriously though, did you?
Um, er, ehem, sure, it was two plates on each side. Next year it'll be three.

It was just one on each side. 😁