Social What is your childhood dream, did you realize it?

The reloading on this site and not saving the text I’m in the process of typing is fucking terrible.
To own "WWE Survivor Series" for the Game Boy Advance. Yes, i did realize it.
My goal when I was young was to make 6 figures. I do now, but inflation has made it so that doesn't mean much anymore.
I dreamed of being a fighter pilot. After I turned down the Air Force Academy out of High School I knew that was over. It's one of my biggest regrets. I grew up with a Step Father that was formerly an Alaskan Bush Pilot, so I was flying by the age of 6-7 (at the controls). My little sister started flying at age 4.
I never had any real dreams as a kid honestly. I guess the only one was learning a real martial arts. Then again though if you grew up in the 80's that was pretty much every kids dream.