What is Strength & Conditioning Training About? - article


barely keeping it together
May 9, 2005
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So I recently started a blog. It's nothing commercial, I'm still working on the layout, at this point I'm basically just looking to learn how creating/running a blog/website works so if/when I need to do something more professional I have some baseline experience on it. The blog will be about info and thoughts on athletic development training, along with following my own training (at least for the time being). Feel free to click on the link, browse through it and offer comments/feedback.

Here is the first article: Athletic Development Project - What is Strength & Conditioning Training About?

What is Strength & Conditioning Training About?

The general goal of strength & conditioning (S&C) training is to improve the physical attributes that affect successful performance in an athlete
Max Strength

Max strength is the maximum amount of force the athlete can produce in a specific movement, regardless of time constrictions. For example, max strength in the squat is the highest amount of weight an athlete can successfully squat in the full range of motion for a single repetition. In sports where the athletes need to move their body through space (e.g. sports involving sprinting, jumping and changes of direction) and in sports with weight divisions (sports like martial arts and weightlifting), the specific variable that matters is max strength relative to the athlete’s bodyweight, otherwise referred to as “relative strength”. For example, the relative strength of an 80 kg athlete with a 120 kg squat is 1.5 times his bodyweight (1.5xBW). If that athlete were to improve to a 140 kg squat while gaining 5 kg of bodyweight, his relative strength would improve to 1.65xBW, which is advantageous. If, on the other hand, he were to improve to a 140 kg squat while gaining 15 kg of bodyweight, his relative strength would decline to 1.47xBW and that would be disadvantageous. It should be noted that, regardless of gains in relative strength, bodyweight gains should also be weighed against any possible impact the added body mass may have on the athlete’s endurance.


Heavy strength training can transfer towards increased power production and a higher vertical jump.

It needs to be noted that max strength production is independent of time (in the max squat example, it doesn’t matter how many seconds the lift is completed in) and for that reason max strength is not directly applicable to most sports, since in most sport situations force needs to be produced and applied within very short timeframes. From the moment muscle contraction is initiated it generally takes over 300-400 milliseconds for max force to be produced. In most sports movements, like accelerations, changes of direction, jumps, throws and martial arts movements (strikes and take-downs), only a fraction of that time (typically between 100-300 milliseconds) is available for force production and therefore only the force produced in that limited timeframe is what directly influences performance. Exceptions, where max strength is indeed directly relevant, are sports that include instances where strength is developed in longer timeframes, with examples like the iron cross in gymnastics, resisting a hold in grappling and the first strokes of a race in rowing.

Despite the fact that it doesn’t directly influence performance, max strength is an important training variable in athletic development. Through properly designed training, greater max strength will translate to greater explosive strength (greater force applied in the short timeframes that matter), because the greater the difference between explosive strength and max strength the easier it is to increase explosive strength. This difference between explosive and max strength is called the “explosive strength deficit” and it shows the percentage of max strength potential not used during the specific explosive action. When the explosive strength deficit is large, the athlete is “stronger than he is fast” and the most effective option would be to put a greater focus in explosive power development, whereas when the explosive strength deficit is small, the athlete is “faster than he is strong” and the better option would be to place a greater emphasis on max strength development. Max strength is mainly trained in a general way, using basic compound exercises that can be easily and safely loaded in an incremental fashion (squats, deadlifts and presses being the main core of basic strength training) and using heavy weights for low numbers of repetitions.

To return to the race car analogy, max strength is the size of the engine and, while a larger engine doesn’t automatically ensure greater horsepower, a larger engine will allow for greater power production if properly designed and applied.

Explosive Strength/Power

Power is the rate at which work is produced and is defined as the amount of work performed divided by the amount of time it took (P = dW / dt, where P = power, W = work and t = time). In explosive sports movements, power production depends on the amount of force the athlete can produce in the short timeframe for force application, commonly referred to as “explosive strength”, and it directly influences how quickly/ explosively the movement is performed. For example, in the vertical jump, the greater the force the athlete can produce within the ~200-300 milliseconds of force application, the greater the power production and thus the higher the jump is going to be. Explosive strength is the “holy grail” of athletic preparation for dynamic sports as it directly influences all explosive movements (how fast the athlete can accelerate, decelerate and change directions, how high he can jump, how far he can throw an implement, etc.) and can make an athlete in dynamic sports a faster and more effective machine. In the initial analogy, explosive strength/power is the actual horsepower of the race car: assuming max strength determines the top speed the car can eventually reach (i.e. the max amount of force your body can produce independent of time), explosive strength/power would determine how fast the car can accelerate from 0-100 km/h (i.e. how much force/ work can be produced in limited timeframes).


Track & field athletes exhibit awe-inspiring levels of explosive power, developed through years of performance-focused strength and power training.

While max strength is a more general and relatively more straight-forward parameter in terms of how it should be developed, explosive strength/power is much more dependent on the specific movements performed and a number of different physiological parameters need to be taken into account when designing the power development training program (whether the “weakest link” of the athlete is his max strength or his rate of force development, whether the particular sports movement requires explosive force production from a dead start or whether a stretch-shortening muscle action is involved, what the length of the timeframe for force application is in the particular movement, what the amount of load used is, what are the specific joint angles and ranges of motion, etc.). There is a vast array of different exercises that can be used to develop the athlete’s power production, including basic olympic lifts (e.g. power cleans and power snatches) for general hip extension power production, basic sprinting and jumping exercises, throwing exercises (e.g. med ball throws), various different plyometric exercises (e.g. bounds, hurdle work and depth jumps) and even basic strength exercises performed in an explosive manner (e.g. dynamic effort work with or without accommodating resistance modalities like resistance bands and chains). The job of a knowledgeable and experienced S&C coach is to create an effective power development program that factors in the specific physical condition of the athlete and the specific physiological and biomechanical demands of the athlete’s main sport.

Link: Athletic Development Project - What is Strength & Conditioning Training About?
Aerobic Power Capacity

The aerobic energy system can be described as the “default” energy system of the human body. It is the most energy-efficient energy system, burns energy substrates slowly and produces energy slowly (and can therefore produce low levels of power compared to the other energy systems) without creating any metabolic byproducts (and can therefore maintain a steady power output for very long periods of time). It is always turned “on”, which means that whether you are fully relaxed lying on your bed or engaging in high-intensity level sports activities, the aerobic system produces power. Once the activity levels rise high enough that the muscle cells require more energy than what the aerobic energy system alone can produce, the anaerobic energy systems kick in to provide the additional energy required.

The value of increasing an athlete’s aerobic power capacity is twofold. On one hand, the aerobic energy system provides “free clean energy”, meaning that it doesn’t significantly contribute to muscle fatigue (at least not when it comes dynamic sports; in very-longduration endurance events this can obviously differ), as opposed to the anaerobic energy systems that contribute to fatigue via drop in muscle cell pH and/or substrate depletion. This means that, if the athlete can increase the power capacity of the aerobic system, the anaerobic systems will kick in later and will have to produce less power, resulting in delayed onset of fatigue. On the other hand, the aerobic system can act as sort of a “recharger” for the anaerobic ATP/PCr system, which can indirectly result in the athlete being able to engage in short bursts of very high power (e.g. short sprints and high jumps) more often and more effectively, and it may act as sort of a “cleanup crew” for the anaerobic glycolytic system “residues” (more on this in future installations), which can help with muscle pH level maintenance and indirectly result in a delayed onset of fatigue (more on the ATP/PCr and glycolytic systems in a bit).

The aerobic power capacity is dependent on a number of different physiological factors (cardiac stroke volume, muscle capillary density, mitochondrial size and density, myoglobin content and aerobic enzyme concentrations) and can therefore be developed via several different modalities (e.g. low-intensity steady-state, threshold, high-intensity steady-state and high-intensity intermittent training) of general or more sport-specific nature, that each target different specific adaptations. Effective S&C program design requires the coach to successfully diagnose the specific strengths and deficits of the athlete and take into consideration the specific aerobic energy system demands of the athlete’s main sport as well as the aerobic training stimuli the athlete already receives through training and competing in his/her main sport.

Aerobic power capacity can sort of be seen as the electrical power of a hybrid electric car (assuming the electrical power production system were entirely “free”, “clean” and virtually unlimited), that can provide a basic energy level entirely cost- and byproduct-free but can only produce up to a limited power level before the internal combustion engine needs to kick in.


The aerobic and anaerobic stimuli already received through main sport work need to be factored in to the S&C program design.

Anaerobic Power Capacity

The anaerobic energy systems are the “higher power” energy systems of the body. They can provide energy to the muscle fibers faster, and can therefore produce a higher power output. There are two different anaerobic systems, a high-power/moderateduration one (the glycolytic system) and a very-high-power/very-short-duration one (the ATP/PCr system). The glycolytic system is what provides energy as soon as the intensity levels get high enough that the aerobic system alone is unable to fully cover the energy demands, like in higher intensity running and repetitive jumps, and the ATP/ PCr system kicks in when maximal energy delivery is required for very explosive and very high intensity short bursts of activity, like a maximal jump, an all-out 40-meter sprint and a single squat repetition with maximal weight. The ATP/PCr system leaves no “residues” but is very short lasting (substrates will be depleted within 8-10 seconds of all-out activity and can take around 3-5 minutes to be nearly fully restored), while the glycolytic system can last for a lot longer but also creates metabolic “byproducts” that lower the muscle pH and result in muscle fatigue.

The power of the very explosive ATP/PCr system depends mainly on neural and architectural parameters and is targeted through max strength and explosive strength/ power work. The glycolytic system, which is an important factor in the endurance of athletes in most dynamic sports, is targeted through moderate and high intensity endurance work, like threshold, high-intensity steady-state, high-intensity intermittent and anaerobic power training. The duty of the S&C coach is to make a careful assessment of the fitness state of the athlete (e.g. the relative levels of development of the aerobic and anaerobic systems) and, taking into consideration the specific energy demands of the athlete’s main sport as well as the training stimuli received via their main sport work, determine the proper types and volumes of glycolytic system work.

Although there is no direct car analogy for the glycolytic system, it can sort of be seen as the gasoline in the hybrid car, that picks up the slack as soon as the electrical engine cannot fully power the speed/acceleration required but its quantity is limited and using it inefficiently may be counter-productive.

Link: Athletic Development Project - What is Strength & Conditioning Training About?
Movement Mechanics/Quality of Movement

Apart from the strictly quantifiable performance parameters mentioned above, the last main goal of S&C training is helping athletes develop proper movement mechanics and addressing any movement mechanics deficits. Correct mechanics are extremely important in athletic preparation because they increase the efficiency of movement and force transfer which can result in improved performance as well as reduced risk of injury (both when it comes to acute injuries, as well as injuries by overuse). Common fundamental movement mechanics issues can involve proper spinal alignment and proper pelvic position for safe and efficient force transfer from the lower (where the main generators of force are) to the upper body (through which force is applied in many athletic movements), proper knee-hip positioning and proper foot and ankle alignment during running, jumping and changes of direction, and proper scapular movement and shoulder stabilization during upper body pulls, presses and throws, and should be a main priority of athletic preparation both in the younger ages (where fundamental motor patterns need to be gradually developed) as well as in the older ages (where any deficits need to be addressed). A careful and constant assessment of movement mechanics is required for high-quality athletic coaching throughout an athlete
Brilliant stuff as always!
Nice work, very informative. I am going to follow your blog.
Looks good, already subscribed.

What I like is the way you present information, very informative but not bone-dry.
Any concrete plans on future articles (training modalities/methods, periodization, etc)?
I don't read spam.

Unless it is written by Meow. I'll expect big things from your blog, babe.
Looks good, already subscribed.

What I like is the way you present information, very informative but not bone-dry.
Any concrete plans on future articles (training modalities/methods, periodization, etc)?

Thanks. I have a big list of things I'd like to "tackle". From stuff requiring longer/more "in depth" articles (like this one), to shorter articles with my thoughts on/breakdown of various issues (stuff I see discussed online a lot and stuff I get asked about a lot in person), to short reviews of the scientific literature on certain subjects I think are worth my time. Ideally I'd like to get out a couple of articles every month, we will see.

Having said that, if there is anything specific you would like to see treated in more depth (and feel there isn't enough coherent/well-written/good quality information about online) feel free to let me know.
Based on your header, its about looking jacked on the beach :D

Great info as always, subscribed!
Thanks. I have a big list of things I'd like to "tackle". From stuff requiring longer/more "in depth" articles (like this one), to shorter articles with my thoughts on/breakdown of various issues (stuff I see discussed online a lot and stuff I get asked about a lot in person), to short reviews of the scientific literature on certain subjects I think are worth my time. Ideally I'd like to get out a couple of articles every month, we will see.

Having said that, if there is anything specific you would like to see treated in more depth (and feel there isn't enough coherent/well-written/good quality information about online) feel free to let me know.

Well, something that would interest me (and alot of other people I believe) would be your take on a strength and conditioning routine for a competitive martial artist (wrestlig, grappling, MMA, striking, etc).

How would you organize the strength/power and conditioning work for somebody who does multiple hours of sports practise per week?
Thoughts on performance standards for certain physical abilities and their empahis over another?
Periodization of training around competitions/fights, including tapering.
Peridiozation type used in general, if you would use a clear-cut model for application (block, conjugated, linear, etc.)
Specific work on certain body parts (neck, core, grip) and injury prevention?

There's not a lot of usable information out there, especially about the organization of strength/power, conditioning and skill work (although I have to admit I haven't read Joel Jamiesons book so far). And as most internet fitness guys have thrown their take on an MMA training routine, very few have any experience in martial arts.
Wendlers post about "531 for MMA" is a good example of that, but atleast he admitted it and his routine makes sense, although his conditioning advice is far from pleasing.
You didn't talk about swoleness. Is that being saved for a future article, so you can give it all the attention it deserves?
You didn't talk about swoleness. Is that being saved for a future article, so you can give it all the attention it deserves?

The pictures he included implied swoleness. The implication is often better than outright proclamations of swoleness.
Based on your header, its about looking jacked on the beach :D

Great info as always, subscribed!

Thanks, C.

You didn't talk about swoleness. Is that being saved for a future article, so you can give it all the attention it deserves?

Swoletitudeness will require one of those longer/more in depth articles. I'm thinking of a 10-part installation for that one.

The pictures he included implied swoleness. The implication is often better than outright proclamations of swoleness.

This man gets it.
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Well, something that would interest me (and alot of other people I believe) would be your take on a strength and conditioning routine for a competitive martial artist (wrestlig, grappling, MMA, striking, etc).

How would you organize the strength/power and conditioning work for somebody who does multiple hours of sports practise per week?
Thoughts on performance standards for certain physical abilities and their empahis over another?
Periodization of training around competitions/fights, including tapering.
Peridiozation type used in general, if you would use a clear-cut model for application (block, conjugated, linear, etc.)
Specific work on certain body parts (neck, core, grip) and injury prevention?

There's not a lot of usable information out there, especially about the organization of strength/power, conditioning and skill work (although I have to admit I haven't read Joel Jamiesons book so far). And as most internet fitness guys have thrown their take on an MMA training routine, very few have any experience in martial arts.
Wendlers post about "531 for MMA" is a good example of that, but atleast he admitted it and his routine makes sense, although his conditioning advice is far from pleasing.

What you mention above requires either an extremely simplistic approach, or an entire book to cover. MMA is a very complex sport S&C-wise and also a sport requiring a very personalized approach depending on the athlete style, physical attributes and main sport training program.

I'll keep it in mind and maybe address it at some point. Thanks for the suggestion.

Looks good. Perhaps add on something about eccentrically bias training for injury prevention?

One of my lecturers built this machine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88wAQqUaIzo that uses nordic curls as a predictor of hamstring imbalance and risk of injury.

Thanks and thanks for the suggestion. That's a pretty specialized topic. I intend to write some injury prevention/rehab stuff, but I'd have to cover the basic principles before addressing something like that in more detail.

Is that machine's predictive ability shown via any kind of experimental work/published studies?

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